[GemStone-Smalltalk] objectForOop: question about some errors we get + how to implement a weak reference?

Otto Behrens otto at finworks.biz
Fri Jul 22 06:25:47 PDT 2022

Hi Johan,

We've been calling Object class >> _objectForOop: for a long time. We do
not use weak references, but we often debug or take oops from a stack trace
in a log to go and look into things.

When an object does not exist, the method has always returned nil. I've
never seen an exception thrown when calling _objectForOop:

The stack trace entry for
does not tell me what is happening. Perhaps this is optimised by the
compiler? How do you know that this is calling _objectForOop: and that it
is _objectForOop: that raises the InternalError?

Pardon my ignorance if I'm not following.

Kind regards

Otto Behrens

+27 82 809 2375
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On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 2:29 PM Johan Brichau via GemStone-Smalltalk <
gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We use the objectForOop: method to implement weak references but are
> hitting some errors while using it.
> I want to better understand what we are seeing.
> The following is in Gemstone 3.4.5
> First off: we understand the dangers mentioned in the method's comment,
> well… to some extent otherwise I would not ask this question:-). To counter
> trouble with oop reuse, we also store the object creation time together
> with the oop (and in the referenced object). A check on class and creation
> timestamp allows us to guarantee when we get an object back from
> objectForOop: that it was the one we originally referenced or not.
> The reason we use this concept is to implement weak references. We store
> log items in the database which reference a series of objects. The log item
> will stay in the database for a very long time but should not keep the
> referenced objects from being garbage collected. Hence, we store the oop (+
> the creation timestamp, as mentioned) instead of the object in the log
> items, which would otherwise keep these from being collected in an MFC.
> The trouble is we sometimes encounter an error after an MFC cycle has
> concluded.
> The _objectForOop: method throws a ‘primitive failed’ that the object with
> object ID xxxx does not exist. See stack trace below.
> What is interesting is that the oop in the error message is _not_ the
> argument passed to _objectForOop:. Instead, it is the oop of an object held
> in an instVar of the object we try to retrieve.
> It is an instance of DateAndTime. Thus we seem to retrieve a dead object
> that can still be retrieved but of which the objects referenced by it are
> already collected and that this errors the primitive?
> We tried to counter the problem of retrieving dead objects by using
> _oopIsDead: but only do so _after_ invoking objectForOop:.
> Perhaps the straightforward solution is to first check _oopIsDead: and
> only then use _objectForOop: ? For now, we have wrapped it with an
> exception handler to handle the error.
> Next, we saw this problem in Gemstone as well but there it would
> crash the entire gem. Since our upgrade to GemStone 3.4.5, this error no
> longer crashes the gem and is captured by the error handler.
> This, however, has now shown that because the gem continues working, the
> problem may occur even many hours after the MFC cycle. Is this to be
> expected? I understand how in between a collect and a reclaim, this may
> happen but not how it can still occur many hours later?
> And finally… we are aware this is all rather hacking. Now that we finally
> are moving up towards the latest version of GemStone: are there better ways
> to implement weak references in GemStone? ;-)
> Thanks for any thoughts!
> Johan
> ----------- Continuation saved to object log ERROR Encountered:
> 2022-07-22T07:29:21.16192007064819+02:00 a InternalError occurred (error
> 2101), The object with object ID 5754897665 does not exist. 1
> GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit: @3 line 4 [GsNMethod
> 551003905] 2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: @2 line 3 [GsNMethod
> 550999041] 3 NPGemStoneErrorHandler (WAErrorHandler) >>
> saveExceptionContinuation: @9 line 6 [GsNMethod 603180545] 4
> NPGemStoneErrorHandler >> handleDefault: @6 line 7 [GsNMethod 632646401] 5
> NPGemStoneErrorHandler (WAErrorHandler) >> handleError: @2 line 2
> [GsNMethod 603181313] 6 NPGemStoneErrorHandler (WAErrorHandler) >>
> handleGemStoneException: @5 line 4 [GsNMethod 603182081] 7
> NPGemStoneErrorHandler (WAHtmlHaltAndErrorHandler) >> handleException: @2
> line 2 [GsNMethod 613492481] 8 NPGemStoneErrorHandler >> handleException:
> @6 line 5 [GsNMethod 632646145] 9 [] in WAExceptionHandler >>
> handleExceptionsDuring: @11 line 5 [GsNMethod 1320949761] 10 ExecBlock0
> (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44 [GsNMethod 53734657] 11 [] in
> WAExceptionHandler >> handleExceptionsDuring: @7 line 8 [GsNMethod
> 968955649] 12 [] in ExecBlock >> on:do: @16 line 53 [GsNMethod 65134849] 13
> InternalError (AbstractException) >> _executeHandler: @8 line 11 [GsNMethod
> 61046017] 14 InternalError (AbstractException) >> _signalFromPrimitive: @1
> line 1 [GsNMethod 61048321] 15 NPLogEntry >>
> privateObjectAtUniqueIdentifier:in:ifAbsent: @1 line 1 [GsNMethod
> 651626241] 16 NPLogEntry >> originalObjectInDB:ifAbsent: @3 line 3
> [GsNMethod 651630337] 17 NPLogEntry >> originalObjectInDB: @2 line 2
> [GsNMethod 651613953] 18 NPLogEntry >> concernedObjectsInDB: @5 line 6
> [GsNMethod 651637249] 19 NPLoggingManagerForGemStone (NPLoggingManager) >>
> isCurrentUserFollowingEntry: @3 line 3 [GsNMethod 623065857] …
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