[Glass] Onwards with GsDevKit on Mac?

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Tue Dec 27 04:41:40 PST 2022

Hi there,

I recently started working on Apple M1 and this presents some challenges moving forward with development for and using GemStone GLASS, both for the open-source Seaside as well commercial projects.

On my intel Mac, I used to use ToDE and GemTools (yes…) running inside a Parallels Mojave VM to connect another Parallels VM with GsDevKit_home running either Ubuntu 18 or Centos 7.9.
On my M1 laptop, I have Jade working on a Parallels virtual machine running Windows ARM to connect to a Linux server running GemStone.

As I prefer installing GemStone on a Linux VM instead of installing it directly on my Mac, I am currently experimenting running the ARM version of Alma Linux to get GsDevKit_home installed (with superdoit scripts in the issue 260 branch, which will be necessary) and see where I can get from there. It does not seem entirely impossible as I got some scripts adapted from the CentOS version, though I need to get the issue_260_2021 branch updated to later versions of superDoit to install a stone. 
That is where I am now :-).

At this point, I wanted to reach out to the community and hear what other Mac users are doing?
I notice Dale got started on a simplified version of GsDevKit_home (GsDevKit_stones) ? So maybe, given the unfinished state of the GsDevKit issue 260 branches, this is a more likely direction to go?


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