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I tried to upgrade several stones (from leven 3.6.1 or 3.6.3) to 3.6.5 (due to PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ connectors), but this always fails under Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
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I have two different laptops (one is running under pure Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, the other under Tuxedo OS (Ubuntu 22.04 based)). I update the GsDevKit_home directory. Normally I do this kind of job under a 18.04 LTS Ubuntu server machine - without problems. I wanted to switch our product machine from 18.04 to 22.04 (leaving out 20.04):
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When I do a simple test:
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createStone test 3.6.1
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upgradeStone test <span style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;">test361_363</span></span> 3.6.3
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The upgradeStone script always exits with error. The error is thrown in a called script:
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<span style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;">......./upgradeImage -c 100000 -s test361_363</span><br></span>
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During the process in topazerror.log is logged:
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<code>near line 285573 of file /datadisk/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/test361_363/upgradeLog/upgradeImage.out, ERROR: UNEXPECTED ERROR</code>
<br><code>topaz> time</code>
<br><code>10/28/2022 10:20:04.637 CEST</code>
<br><code>near line 339908 of file /datadisk/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/test361_363/upgradeLog/upgradeImage.out, ERROR: WRONG VALUE</code>
<br><code>topaz> time</code>
<br><code>10/28/2022 10:20:21.271 CEST</code>
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In upgradeImage.out here are more details about the error ...
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<code>Error 2010 , a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a ClassOrganizer class does not understand #'_resetCachedOrganizer'</code>
<br><code>ERROR: UNEXPECTED ERROR</code>
<br><code>topaz> time</code>
<br><code>10/28/2022 10:20:04.637 CEST</code>
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<code>topaz 1> expectvalue 0</code>
<br><code>topaz 1> send UserGlobals at: #ErrCount put: ErrorCount</code>
<br><code>ERROR: WRONG VALUE</code>
<br><code>topaz> time</code>
<br><code>10/28/2022 10:20:21.271 CEST</code>
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Has anyone made an Gemstone upgrade under Ubuntu 22.04 ?
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