[GemStone-Smalltalk] What should the species of a Reduced Conflict collection be?

Dennis Smith dennis at cherniaksoftware.com
Wed Oct 23 15:03:46 PDT 2013

Since one wants RC because one will be adding to the collection, it 
would seem unreasonable to want the select to result in a collection you 
would want to add to, so why make in RC?

In the VERY unusual case of wanting a new collection you are going to 
make persistent and add to later, either convert it or do it the hard way
     newColl := RcKeyValueDictionary new.
     oldColl do: [....

Or just create a new
method -- its Smalltalk!

On 2013-10-23 2:41 PM, Richard Sargent wrote:
> We had a customer inquiry about the species of a RcKeyValueDictionary. We all
> realize that the species of a collection should be as close as possible to
> the receiver's class. Obvious exceptions are Interval for which one cannot
> generally have a selection subset that is also an Interval and weak
> collections for which a selection subset should not be weak.
> Should the reduced conflict aspect of a collection also be dropped when
> doing a select?
> Conversely, in what scenario would one want to preserve the reduced conflict
> aspect when doing a select?
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/What-should-the-species-of-a-Reduced-Conflict-collection-be-tp4716694.html
> Sent from the Gemstone/S mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Dennis Smith                                  +1 416.798.7948
Cherniak Software Development Corporation   Fax: +1 416.798.0948
509-2001 Sheppard Avenue East        dennis at CherniakSoftware.com
Toronto, ON M2J 4Z8              sip:dennis at CherniakSoftware.com
Canada                     http://www.CherniakSoftware.com
Entrance off Yorkland Blvd south of Sheppard Ave east of the DVP

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