[GemStone-Smalltalk] Transcient instance variable

Paul Baumann via GemStone-Smalltalk gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Nov 10 15:01:50 PST 2014

Hi Bob,

It seems like you are currently thinking of using the dataWrapper to note the new change. Consider if it will suit your needs better to use your dataWrapper to note the values before the first inst var change (like with a shallow copy), and allow the change to be made to the inst vars. The shallowCopy can be registered in some manager and the dataWrapper inst var of the copy can refer to the original object.

                dataWrapper isNil ifTrue: [
                                dataWrapper := self copy.
                                copy dataWrapper: self.
                                (SessionTemps current at: #ChangeManager ifAbsentPut: [Array new])
                                                add: dataWrapper.

foo: newValue
                self assignDataWrapper.
                foo := newValue


This approach performs better because changes to objects are less frequent than access to variables. The cost of making a change is the creation of a copy and adding it to some managed collection. The code needs to make consistent use of the custom setter methods, or else you'd try to hook some generic object dirtying code.

The ChangeManager can be defined however you want changes to survive. You can detect changes both at the object level and by the manager. You'd probably either do transaction changes through your ChangeManager or notify the manager afterwards (note that #continueTransaction has a notification bug). If your dataWrapper/copy is a committed object then you'd know that an unmanaged commit happened (the inst vars may now also contain changes from another session). If ChangeManager has copies that differ from what the originals noted for your session then you might have had an unmanaged begin/abort/continue transaction.


Paul Baumann

From: GemStone-Smalltalk [mailto:gemstone-smalltalk-bounces at lists.gemtalksystems.com] On Behalf Of via GemStone-Smalltalk
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 16:52
To: gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Subject: Re: [GemStone-Smalltalk] Transcient instance variable

Thanks for the note on 'System rcValueCache'. I can see use using it for other cases.

For the 'data wrapper' code change I'm considering performance is key. The check for updated values would be done on each in 'get' method, so anything that slows that down would be noticeable.

I was thinking of code like... (we're still brainstorming this)

    ^self getUpdatedValueAt: #foo with: foo

getUpdatedValueAt: aKey with: aValue
    self dataWrapper isNil ifTrue: [^aValue].
    ^self dataWrapper getUpdatedValueAt: aKey with: aValue  "where aValue is answered if there are no updates for2 #foo"

...we may just do this and take responsibility for clearing the data wrapper instVar just prior to a commit.


On Monday, November 10, 2014 12:55 PM, Paul Baumann via GemStone-Smalltalk <gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com<mailto:gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:

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From: Paul Baumann
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 10:47
Subject: RE: [GemStone-Smalltalk] Transcient instance variable

Hi Bob,

"System rcValueCache" is flushed  with a view/transaction change (commitTransaction, abortTransaction, beginTransaction, continueTransaction). Here is an example that shows view-transient behavior:

| anObject get0 get1 |
System beginTransaction.
anObject := Object new.
System rcValueCacheAt: #plbTest put: #remembered for: anObject.
get0 := System rcValueCacheAt: #plbTest for: anObject otherwise: nil.
System commitTransaction.
get1 := System rcValueCacheAt: #plbTest for: anObject otherwise: nil.
Array with: get0 with: get1

anArray( #'remembered', nil)

Your domain object can use itself to retrieve by-reference attributes. A view-transient attribute would be like this:

                ^System rcValueCacheAt: #plbTest for: self otherwise: nil

viewTransient_plbTest: anObject
                System rcValueCacheAt: #plbTest put: anObject for: self

A session-transient attribute would be like this:

                |dict |
                ^(dict := SessionTemps current at: #plbTest otherwise: nil) notNil
                                ifTrue: [dict at: self otherwise: nil].

sessionTransient_plbTest: anObject
                (SessionTemps current at: #plbTest ifAbsentPut: [IdentityDictionary new])
                                at: self put: anObject.

A wrapper object held in an object attribute can be used for better performance when needed. Your domain object would have an attribute that holds information that can find cached data quicker. If the attribute is nil then the no lookup is necessary (saving a search). If the attribute is not nil then it can be something like a reserved index position within a known location (not strongly referenced) that would contain the data. Years ago I had prototyped a cache framework that was able to use a special wrapper for weak references to related objects. It can be done--if you really need that level of performance.

Paul Baumann

From: GemStone-Smalltalk [mailto:gemstone-smalltalk-bounces at lists.gemtalksystems.com] On Behalf Of via GemStone-Smalltalk
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 08:25
To: gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com<mailto:gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
Subject: [GemStone-Smalltalk] Transcient instance variable

I'm considering some refactoring that would benefit from having access to transcient instance variables.
Something like SessionTemps, but stored on an instance variable and cleared on each abort or commit.
It would be used to store pending updates. We do that now with a wrapper object, which works fine,
but the code would be cleaner if the domain object wrapped the pending updates instead.

Anything like that available?

Thanks for any suggestions,
Bob Nemec

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