[GemStone-Smalltalk] Variables and block closure

Pierre CHANSON via GemStone-Smalltalk gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Mar 17 11:17:52 PDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I wonder why is that two expressions are not evaluated similarly by
Gemstone, but they are by Pharo ?

The second one is the one I would like to be working like the first one is,
in Gemstone.

[ | traversal array|
traversal := [ :a | a do: [ :e | (e isArray) ifTrue: [ traversal value: e ]
ifFalse: [ e asString ] ] ].
array := Array with: (Array with: 1 with: 4) with: #ok with: (Array with:
traversal value: array.
] on: Error do: [:evt | evt asString]

| traversal array|
[ traversal := [ :a | a do: [ :e | (e isArray) ifTrue: [ traversal value: e
] ifFalse: [ e asString ] ] ].
array := Array with: (Array with: 1 with: 4) with: #ok with: (Array with:
traversal value: array.
] on: Error do: [:evt | evt asString]

Thank you,

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