[GemStone-Smalltalk] GsDevKit_stones - error loading gt4gemstone into a Rowan_371 extent - ERROR 2718 , a ArgumentError occurred (error 2718), attempt to create a CByteArray or CPointer that would reference VM memory

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jul 8 14:27:31 PDT 2024

Perfect ...

The error appeared up on github[1] ... but the error is occurring in a
different spot (newExtent.solo) than I had set up ... so this appears to be
a (possibly random) base error ... since the test was passing before I
changed the test case.

I will submit an internal bug ...



On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 12:27 PM Reg Krock <reg.krock at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dale,
> I have provided more information below.
> Let me know if you need additional information:
> Regards,
> Reg
> Chip: Apple M1 Max
> OS: OS/X Sonoma 14.5
> GsDevKit_Stones version:
> regkrock at rkhome1 GsDevKit_Stones % git status
> On branch v2.1
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/v2.1'.
> nothing to commit, working tree clean
> SuperDoit Status:
> regkrock at rkhome1 superDoit % git status
> On branch v4.2
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/v4.2'.
> nothing to commit, working tree clean
> The file does exist as a link in the rowan_371 directory pointing to the
> stone file.
> regkrock at rkhome1 rowan_371 % ls -lsa
> total 288
>   0 drwxr-xr-x  16 regkrock  wheel     512  8 Jul 13:25 .
>   0 drwxr-xr-x   3 regkrock  wheel      96  3 Jul 14:44 ..
>   0 lrwxr-xr-x   1 regkrock  wheel      64  3 Jul 14:44 .GDKStoneSpec.ston
> -> /opt/GsDevKit/data/gsdevkit_stones/stones/rkhome1/rowan_371.ston
> This is the content of the file:
> GDKStoneSpec {
> #name : 'rowan_371',
> #parentRegistryName : 'rkhome1',
> #parentRegistryPath :
> '$STONES_DATA_HOME/gsdevkit_stones/registry/rkhome1.ston',
> #root : '/opt/GsDevKit/projects/stones/rowan_371',
> #stoneHost : 'rkhome1.fios-router.home',
> #stoneName : 'rowan_371',
> #gemHost : 'rkhome1.fios-router.home',
> #gemTask : 'gemnetobject',
> #userId : 'SystemUser',
> #password : 'swordfish',
> #stoneDirectorySpecName : 'default_rowan',
> #stoneDirectorySpec : GDKrowanStoneDirectorySpec {
> #name : 'default_rowan',
> #dbfSource : '$GEMSTONE/bin/extent0.rowan.dbf',
> #backups : 'backups',
> #bin : 'bin',
> #extents : 'extents',
> #logs : 'logs',
> #netldiPort : 50467,
> #stats : 'stats',
> #tranlogs : 'tranlogs',
> #snapshots : 'snapshots',
> #product : 'product',
> #customenv : {
> 'stone_dir' : '/opt/GsDevKit/projects/stones/rowan_371',
> 'STONES_DATA_HOME' : '/opt/GsDevKit/data',
> 'GEMSTONE' : '/opt/GsDevKit/gemstone/GemStone64Bit3.7.1-arm64.Darwin'
> },
> #userId : 'SystemUser'
> },
> #gemstoneVersionString : '3.7.1'
> }
> And the permissions of the rowan_371.ston file is:
> regkrock at rkhome1 GemStone64Bit3.7.1-arm64.Darwin % cd
> /opt/GsDevKit/data/gsdevkit_stones/stones/rkhome1
> regkrock at rkhome1 rkhome1 % ls -l
> total 8
> -rw-r--r--  1 regkrock  wheel  1034  3 Jul 14:44 rowan_371.ston
> Also, the version report is below:
> --------------------
> Gem Version Report for 'gs64stone'
> --------------------
> nodeName
> = rkhome1.fios-router.home
> osName
> = Darwin
> processId
> = 76445
> processorCount
> = 10
> gsBuildSerialNum
> = 2023-08-24T14:12:58-07:00 87d4894f48fb88b6589e392e200ea1a60e1a143b
> gsRelease
> = 3.7.0
> osRelease
> = 23.5.0
> cpuKind
> = arm64
> gsBuildArchitecture
> = Darwin (macOS)
> gsVersion
> = 3.7.0
> osVersion
> = Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May  1 20:12:58 PDT 2024;
> root:xnu-10063.121.3~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
> gsBuildDate
> = Thu Aug 24 14:21:20 2023 (branch 3.7.0)
> gsBuildType
> = FAST
> cpuArchitecture
> = arm64
> rowanVersion
> = 2.5.0
> rowanLoadedCommitId
> = 2997fe3fc
> --------------------
> On Jul 8, 2024, at 3:06 PM, Dale Henrichs <
> dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Reg,
> Thanks for the detailed stack ... I see that the code is getting an error
> checking for the file .GDKStoneSpec.ston and this check is made by
> superDoit pretty early on in the process of running a .stone script so this
> looks an awful lot like a GemStone error.
> The file .GDKStoneSpec.ston should exist in the the stone directory where
> you appear to be running the script, so could you double check that the
> file does indeed exist? That way we should be able to reproduce the problem
> internally.
> We do run Github CI tests for a number of different OSX versions for
> branch v2 [1] and branch v2.1[2] ... so it would be useful to know the
> version of OSX  and the version of GsDEvKit_stones you are using as well ...
> Dale
> [1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_stones/actions/runs/9699834332
> [2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_stones/actions/runs/9699899207
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 10:44 AM Reg Krock via GemStone-Smalltalk <
> gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> I have been trying for a while to fix this problem. And I have not been
>> able to do it. Does anyone have any ideas.
>> Thanks
>> Reg
>> I am getting an error trying to load the gt4gemstone code into a
>> rowan_371 extent.
>> It has to do with getcwd (See frame 6)
>> Environment: OS/X with GsDevKit_stones
>> The gslist command results:
>> Status        Version    Owner     Started     Type       Name
>> -------      --------- --------- ------------ ------      ----
>> exists       3.7.1     regkrock  Jul 08 11:12 Stone       rowan_371
>> exists       3.7.1     regkrock  Jul 08 11:12 cache
>> rowan_371~53f4ddf531c645f9
>> The gem.conf file is defined as:
>> The rowan_371 server has been created and I am attempting to load
>> gt4gemstone into the rowan_371 server.
>> I run the following command:
>> regkrock at rkhome1 rowan_371 % installProject.stone
>> file:$STONES_PROJECTS_HOME/git/gt4gemstone/rowan/specs/gt4gemstone.ston  \
>>     --projectsHome=$STONES_PROJECTS_HOME/git/gt4gemstone -D
>> I receive the following error:
>> ERROR 2718 , a ArgumentError occurred (error 2718), attempt to create a
>> CByteArray or CPointer that would reference VM memory
>>  Near line 8 of file
>> /opt/GsDevKit/git/superDoit/gemstone/superdoit_boot_debug_2.tpz
>> The stack is:
>> topaz 1> stack
>> ==> 1 ArgumentError (AbstractException) >> _signalToDebugger @11 line 8
>>     receiver [26274049 size:5  ArgumentError] a ArgumentError occurred
>> (error 2718), attempt to create a CByteArray or CPointer that would referen
>> ...(12 more bytes)
>>     res nil
>>     blk nil
>>     proc nil
>> (skipped 1 temps)
>> 2 ArgumentError (AbstractException) >> defaultAction @2 line 18
>>     receiver [26274049 size:5  ArgumentError] a ArgumentError occurred
>> (error 2718), attempt to create a CByteArray or CPointer that would referen
>> ...(12 more bytes)
>> 3 ArgumentError (AbstractException) >> _defaultAction @4 line 4
>>     receiver [26274049 size:5  ArgumentError] a ArgumentError occurred
>> (error 2718), attempt to create a CByteArray or CPointer that would referen
>> ...(12 more bytes)
>>     res nil
>> 4 ArgumentError (AbstractException) >> _signalFromPrimitive @2 line 10
>>     receiver [26274049 size:5  ArgumentError] a ArgumentError occurred
>> (error 2718), attempt to create a CByteArray or CPointer that would referen
>> ...(12 more bytes)
>>     res nil
>>     num nil
>> 5 CCallout >> callWith:errno:                   @1 line 34
>>     receiver [26195457  CCallout]     aCCallout getcwd
>>     argsArray [26189825 size:2  Array] anArray
>>     errnoArg [26189057 size:1  Array] anArray
>> 6 FsLibcUnistd_macOS (FsLibcUnistd) >> getcwd   @6 line 18
>>     receiver [26127361  FsLibcUnistd_macOS] aFsLibcUnistd_macOS
>>     errnoHolder [26189057 size:1  Array] anArray
>>     result nil
>> 7 FsMacOSStore_arm64 (DiskStore) >> currentWorkingDirectoryPath @3 line 5
>>     receiver [26043649  FsMacOSStore_arm64] aFsMacOSStore_arm64
>>     pathString nil
>> 8 FsDiskFileSystem (FileSystem) >> workingDirectoryPath @3 line 6
>>     receiver [26038273  FsDiskFileSystem] aFsDiskFileSystem
>> 9 FsDiskFileSystem (FileSystem) >> workingDirectory @2 line 6
>>     receiver [26038273  FsDiskFileSystem] aFsDiskFileSystem
>> (skipped 1 temps)
>> 10 SystemResolver >> workingDirectory            @3 line 4
>>     receiver [25961985  SystemResolver] aSystemResolver
>> 11 SystemResolver (Object) >> perform:           @1 line 8
>>     receiver [25961985  SystemResolver] aSystemResolver
>>     aSelectorSymbol [20363009 size:16  Symbol] workingDirectory
>> 12 SystemResolver (FileSystemResolver) >> resolve: @4 line 3
>>     receiver [25961985  SystemResolver] aSystemResolver
>>     aSymbol [20363009 size:16  Symbol] workingDirectory
>> 13 FileLocator >> resolve                        @4 line 2
>>     receiver [25801729  FileLocator]  aFileLocator
>> 14 FileLocator >> asFileReference                @2 line 2
>>     receiver [25801729  FileLocator]  aFileLocator
>> 15 Executed Code                                 @3 line 1
>>     receiver [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>> (skipped 3 temps)
>> 16 GsNMethod >> _executeInContext:               @1 line 11
>>     receiver [25679873 size:43  GsNMethod] aGsNMethod
>>     anObject [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>> 17 String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList:       @3 line 10
>>     receiver [25652481 size:512  String] (FileLocator workingDirectory
>> asFileReference / '.GDKStoneSpec.ston') exists\n ifTrue: [ self defin
>> ...(412 more bytes)
>>     anObject [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>>     aSymbolList [25646337 size:8  SymbolList] aSymbolList
>> 18 SuperDoitExecutionClass (SuperDoitExecutionMetadataClass) >> theDoit
>> @4 line 15
>>     receiver [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>> 19 [] in SuperDoitExecution >> doit              @20 line 6
>>     self [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>>     receiver [25601793 size:0  ExecBlock0] anExecBlock0
>>     self [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>> (skipped 1 temps)
>> 20 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do:              @3 line 44
>>     receiver [25601793 size:0  ExecBlock0] anExecBlock0
>>     exceptionSelector [25575169 size:3  ExceptionSet] anExceptionSet
>>     handlerBlock [25574401 size:0  ExecBlock1] anExecBlock1
>>     fastPath true
>> 21 SuperDoitExecutionClass (SuperDoitExecution) >> doit @4 line 8
>>     receiver [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>>     res nil
>>     gotEx [26274049 size:5  ArgumentError] a ArgumentError occurred
>> (error 2718), attempt to create a CByteArray or CPointer that would referen
>> ...(12 more bytes)
>>     exitClientMessage nil
>>     exitClientStatus nil
>> 22 SuperDoitDoitCommand >> executeAgainst:       @27 line 19
>>     receiver [25486593  SuperDoitDoitCommand] aSuperDoitDoitCommand
>>     aCommandParser [25485569  SuperDoitCommandParser]
>> aSuperDoitCommandParser
>>     instance [25678593  SuperDoitExecutionClass] aSuperDoitExecutionClass
>> (skipped 1 temps)
>> 23 SuperDoitDoitCommand >> executeAgainst:onErrorDo: @2 line 4
>>     receiver [25486593  SuperDoitDoitCommand] aSuperDoitDoitCommand
>>     aCommandParser [25485569  SuperDoitCommandParser]
>> aSuperDoitCommandParser
>>     errorBlock [25479169 size:0  ExecBlock] anExecBlock
>> 24 [] in SuperDoitCommandDefinition >> executeAgainst:onErrorDo: @7 line 3
>>     self nil
>>     receiver [25474049 size:0  ExecBlock1] anExecBlock1
>>     command [25486593  SuperDoitDoitCommand] aSuperDoitDoitCommand
>>     errorBlock [25479169 size:0  ExecBlock] anExecBlock
>>     aCommandParser [25485569  SuperDoitCommandParser]
>> aSuperDoitCommandParser
>> (skipped 1 temps)
>> 25 OrderedCollection (Collection) >> do:         @5 line 10
>>     receiver [25466881 size:8  OrderedCollection] anOrderedCollection
>>     aBlock [25474049 size:0  ExecBlock1] anExecBlock1
>>     i 8
>> (skipped 2 temps)
>> 26 SuperDoitCommandDefinition >> executeAgainst:onErrorDo: @3 line 3
>>     receiver [25463297  SuperDoitCommandDefinition]
>> aSuperDoitCommandDefinition
>>     aCommandParser [25485569  SuperDoitCommandParser]
>> aSuperDoitCommandParser
>>     errorBlock [25479169 size:0  ExecBlock] anExecBlock
>> (skipped 1 temps)
>> 27 [] in SuperDoitCommandParser >> parseAndExecuteScriptFile: @22 line 17
>>     self [25485569  SuperDoitCommandParser] aSuperDoitCommandParser
>>     receiver [25456385 size:0  ExecBlock0] anExecBlock0
>>     command [25486593  SuperDoitDoitCommand] aSuperDoitDoitCommand
>>     self [25485569  SuperDoitCommandParser] aSuperDoitCommandParser
>> 28 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure:             @2 line 12
>>     receiver [25456385 size:0  ExecBlock0] anExecBlock0
>>     terminationBlock [25428481 size:0  ExecBlock] anExecBlock
>>     result nil
>>     b nil
>> 29 SuperDoitCommandParser >> parseAndExecuteScriptFile: @4 line 53
>>     receiver [25485569  SuperDoitCommandParser] aSuperDoitCommandParser
>>     scriptFilePath [25424897 size:58  String]
>> /opt/GsDevKit/git/GsDevKit_stones/bin/installProject.stone
>> (skipped 3 temps)
>> 30 SuperDoitCommandParser class >> processInputFile @29 line 21
>>     receiver [26255361  SuperDoitCommandParser class]
>> SuperDoitCommandParser
>>     args [25324801 size:11  Array] anArray
>>     scriptArgStart 6
>>     argIndex 7
>>     scriptFile [25424897 size:58  String]
>> /opt/GsDevKit/git/GsDevKit_stones/bin/installProject.stone
>>     scriptArgs [25323777 size:3  Array] anArray
>>     scriptArgIndex 8
>> (skipped 1 temps)
>> 31 Executed Code                                 @2 line 6
>>     receiver nil
>> 32 GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC               @1 line 11
>>     receiver [144897  GsNMethod class] GsNMethod
>>   [GsProcess 26291457]
>> topaz 1>
>> _______________________________________________
>> GemStone-Smalltalk mailing list
>> GemStone-Smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com
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