[GemStone-Smalltalk] Class connector conundrum
Richard Sargent
richard.sargent at gemtalksystems.com
Tue Jun 4 12:25:23 PDT 2024
I am glad you were able to track that down!
On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 11:14 AM David Shaffer <
shaffer at shaffer-consulting.com> wrote:
> Yes, that definitely helped. The problem was simple, I guess, but
> probably reflects a misunderstanding I have about migration. The issue was
> that I had several objects that referred to various classes (classes stored
> in their I-vars). I had recently migrated instances of those classes but
> apparently the references to the class objects themselves were not
> migrated. So, what I had in the repository was several class objects that
> had the same names as classes in my Symbol List but were not, themselves,
> classes in that symbol list nor were they in the class history of the
> classes in that symbol list since I had migrated all instances of this
> class to a new version and removed the old class from the Symbol List. The
> migration was performed by the UI tools (from gemstone browser -> select
> class -> browse versions -> remove hit OK twice and select the new version
> to migrate to).
> Thanks for your help Richard!
> Best,
> David
> On Jun 3, 2024, at 4:05 PM, Richard Sargent <
> richard.sargent at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Good! That makes it much easier to diagnose.
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 12:49 PM David Shaffer <
> shaffer at shaffer-consulting.com> wrote:
>> False lead…sorry, just made a mistake in my debugging code.
>> I rebuilt my dev image from ground up and now I’m able to reproduce the
>> problem there as well.
>> -D
>> On Jun 3, 2024, at 3:20 PM, Richard Sargent <
>> richard.sargent at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 12:15 PM David Shaffer <
>> shaffer at shaffer-consulting.com> wrote:
>>> Ah, a clue…when I turn on removeInvalidConnectors, the connectors for
>>> this hierarchy are removed. How are connectors validated?
>> As far as I see, the only place that happens is
>> in GbsSession>>handleFailedConnectors:messages:. And, in your first report,
>> I thought you said there were no failed connections.
>> Perhaps add an error in this method so that the stack dump shows what the
>> problems were.
>> (An error doesn't matter, because it won't be much later before you try
>> to replicate instances of the classes that failed to connect.)
>>> -D
>>> On Jun 3, 2024, at 2:59 PM, David Shaffer <
>>> shaffer at shaffer-consulting.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, the session is logged in and I’m sending a message to a collection
>>> of objects that are being faulted in from the DB. At this point in the
>>> code, many gemstone objects have been replicated to VW.
>>> -D
>>> On Jun 3, 2024, at 2:57 PM, Richard Sargent <
>>> richard.sargent at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>> And, to be clear, the point at which the unmapped class error occurs is
>>> *after* the completion of session login? Right?
>>> On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 11:33 AM David Shaffer <
>>> shaffer at shaffer-consulting.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for looking at this Richard. The class and all of its super-
>>>> and sub-classes are connected:
>>>> GbsClassConnector stName: #'Trader.EdgeTriggersOrderSignal' gsName:
>>>> 'Trader_EdgeTriggersOrderSignal' dictionary: #TraderClasses is connected
>>>> = true
>>>> GbsClassConnector stName: #'Trader.AbstractTradeOnMarketSignal' gsName:
>>>> 'Trader_AbstractTradeOnMarketSignal' dictionary: #TraderClasses is
>>>> connected = true
>>>> GbsClassConnector stName: #'Trader.LevelTriggersOrderSignal' gsName:
>>>> 'Trader_LevelTriggersOrderSignal' dictionary: #TraderClasses is connected
>>>> = true
>>>> GbsClassConnector stName: #'Trader.AbstractTradingSignal' gsName:
>>>> 'Trader_AbstractTradingSignal' dictionary: #TraderClasses is connected =
>>>> true
>>>> I tried catching the exception and then re-printing the status of the
>>>> connectors. Still connected ;)
>>>> -D
>>>> On Jun 3, 2024, at 12:02 PM, Richard Sargent <
>>>> richard.sargent at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 9:28 PM David Shaffer via GemStone-Smalltalk <
>>>> gemstone-smalltalk at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hey folks…killed a whole day on this one and I’m stuck. I’m running
>>>>> an application on VW9.4/GBS8.7.1/GS3.6.5 where I have some (a lot of) class
>>>>> connectors in my session parameters. Among them:
>>>>> GbsClassConnector stName: #'Trader.LevelTriggersOrderSignal' gsName:
>>>>> 'Trader_LevelTriggersOrderSignal' dictionary: #TraderClasses
>>>>> I am able to access objects in my repository replicated into GBS on my
>>>>> desktop image. When I package it up and run it headless in my docker
>>>>> container I get:
>>>>> Unhandled exception: No client class Trader_LevelTriggersOrderSignal,
>>>>> class generation is disabled.
>>>>> when loading objects in my repository of the aforementioned type. I’ve
>>>>> verified that the Smalltalk class Trader.LevelTriggersOrderSignal is in the
>>>>> deployed image. I’ve also checked that there is only one class with that
>>>>> name in my repo (the class history has 1 element in it) and that the class
>>>>> of the object in the repository that is causing the problem has the same
>>>>> OOP as the class in TraderClasses.
>>>>> Full stack trace is pasted below. I’ve tried poking around quite a
>>>>> bit including adding some tracing to
>>>>> GbsSession>>connectClassConnectorsTypeNoneIn:addFailedConnectorsTo:addMessagesTo:
>>>>> to double-check that the connector is indeed being connected and everything
>>>>> looks OK. I’ve tried all kinds of things but I’m pretty much stuck on this
>>>>> one. Sorry for the lack of details…not expecting anyone to be able to sort
>>>>> this out from my vague description…just hoping for some debugging
>>>>> suggestions. GBS is complicated.
>>>> Let's start with verifying that the connector really was established.
>>>> Add some diagnostic code to iterate through your connectors after logging
>>>> in and find that particular one. Then report the value of each instance
>>>> variable. Also, report the result of sending the
>>>> GbsConnector>>isConnectedInSession: message for the connector.
>>>> The fact that it is executing
>>>> GbxUnmappedClassReplicator>>findOrGenerateClientClass strongly suggests the
>>>> class is NOT connected (yet). But, if that were the case, I would have
>>>> expected to see the same problem in an image with a GUI.
>>>> Are any of the connectors defining a class hierarchy? In particular, is
>>>> the missing one a subclass of another that's also in the connectors list?
>>>> If so, the problem could be the fact that the connectors in the Session
>>>> Parameters is a Set. The order is effectively random so an attempt to
>>>> connect a subclass before its superclass, might be problematic. I would
>>>> have expected an error if that had happened, but your investigation showed
>>>> everything connected fine.
>>>>> BTW: In order to get my application to run under GBS8.7.1 I had to
>>>>> patch GbsRuntime parcel to include GbsSessionManager>>connectorList (which
>>>>> is in GbsTools but is sent from GbsSession>>mapCrucialClasses) since I
>>>>> don’t load GbsTools in my deployed image. I think this is a GBS packaging
>>>>> bug but I could be wrong.
>>>> Definitely an error. It's been like that since at least 2014! I will
>>>> fix it for GBS 8.8. I have created bug #51015 for it.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> David
>>>>> Unhandled exception: No client class Trader_LevelTriggersOrderSignal,
>>>>> class generation is disabled.
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GbxMessageDispatcher>>basicRaise:message:
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GbxMessageDispatcher
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> handler = a CstMessageHandlerVw
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> errorSignal = GemStone.Gbs.GbsClassGenerationError
>>>>> errorString = 'No client class Trader_LevelT...lass generation is
>>>>> disabled.'
>>>>> Context PC = 4
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GbxMessageDispatcher>>raise:message:withArguments:
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GbxMessageDispatcher
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> handler = a CstMessageHandlerVw
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> errorSignal = GemStone.Gbs.GbsClassGenerationError
>>>>> aString = 'No client class %1, class generation is disabled.'
>>>>> args = an Array[1]
>>>>> Temporaries:
>>>>> string = 'No client class Trader_LevelT...lass generation is disabled.'
>>>>> Context PC = 12
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GbxMessageDispatcher>>raise:message:with:
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GbxMessageDispatcher
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> handler = a CstMessageHandlerVw
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> errorSignal = GemStone.Gbs.GbsClassGenerationError
>>>>> aString = 'No client class %1, class generation is disabled.'
>>>>> arg1 = 'Trader_LevelTriggersOrderSignal'
>>>>> Context PC = 10
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator>>generateClientClass
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> manager = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplicatorManager
>>>>> session = Session 1 (remote) for 'Trader' on
>>>>> '!@gemstone#netldi:40055!gs64stone' @ 'gemstone'
>>>>> serverClass = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> classDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 32 {16r2E79C01}
>>>>> classProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> clientClass = nil
>>>>> metaclassDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> metaclassProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> report = GbxL8v3ObjectReport with:
>>>>> valueBuffSize = 8
>>>>> namedSize = 1
>>>>> idxSize = 0
>>>>> firstOffset = 1
>>>>> objId = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79C01}
>>>>> objClass = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79E01}
>>>>> segment = 0
>>>>> objSize = 1
>>>>> objImpl = 0
>>>>> isIndexable = false
>>>>> isInvariant = true
>>>>> isOverlayed = false
>>>>> isPartial = false
>>>>> lacksReadAuth = false
>>>>> isClamped = false
>>>>> oops = GbxL8OopArray(16r7FE2101 )
>>>>> Temporaries:
>>>>> aClientClass = nil
>>>>> cname = 'Trader_LevelTriggersOrderSignal'
>>>>> Context PC = 27
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator>>findOrGenerateClientClass
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> manager = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplicatorManager
>>>>> session = Session 1 (remote) for 'Trader' on
>>>>> '!@gemstone#netldi:40055!gs64stone' @ 'gemstone'
>>>>> serverClass = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> classDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 32 {16r2E79C01}
>>>>> classProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> clientClass = nil
>>>>> metaclassDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> metaclassProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> report = GbxL8v3ObjectReport with:
>>>>> valueBuffSize = 8
>>>>> namedSize = 1
>>>>> idxSize = 0
>>>>> firstOffset = 1
>>>>> objId = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79C01}
>>>>> objClass = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79E01}
>>>>> segment = 0
>>>>> objSize = 1
>>>>> objImpl = 0
>>>>> isIndexable = false
>>>>> isInvariant = true
>>>>> isOverlayed = false
>>>>> isPartial = false
>>>>> lacksReadAuth = false
>>>>> isClamped = false
>>>>> oops = GbxL8OopArray(16r7FE2101 )
>>>>> Context PC = 12
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator>>replicateClassItself
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> manager = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplicatorManager
>>>>> session = Session 1 (remote) for 'Trader' on
>>>>> '!@gemstone#netldi:40055!gs64stone' @ 'gemstone'
>>>>> serverClass = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> classDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 32 {16r2E79C01}
>>>>> classProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> clientClass = nil
>>>>> metaclassDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> metaclassProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> report = GbxL8v3ObjectReport with:
>>>>> valueBuffSize = 8
>>>>> namedSize = 1
>>>>> idxSize = 0
>>>>> firstOffset = 1
>>>>> objId = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79C01}
>>>>> objClass = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79E01}
>>>>> segment = 0
>>>>> objSize = 1
>>>>> objImpl = 0
>>>>> isIndexable = false
>>>>> isInvariant = true
>>>>> isOverlayed = false
>>>>> isPartial = false
>>>>> lacksReadAuth = false
>>>>> isClamped = false
>>>>> oops = GbxL8OopArray(16r7FE2101 )
>>>>> Context PC = 13
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator>>forReplication:replicateFromDeferredReport:
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> manager = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplicatorManager
>>>>> session = Session 1 (remote) for 'Trader' on
>>>>> '!@gemstone#netldi:40055!gs64stone' @ 'gemstone'
>>>>> serverClass = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> classDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 32 {16r2E79C01}
>>>>> classProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> clientClass = nil
>>>>> metaclassDelegate = a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 0 {16r2E79E01}
>>>>> metaclassProxy = 'Not cached'
>>>>> report = GbxL8v3ObjectReport with:
>>>>> valueBuffSize = 8
>>>>> namedSize = 1
>>>>> idxSize = 0
>>>>> firstOffset = 1
>>>>> objId = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79C01}
>>>>> objClass = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79E01}
>>>>> segment = 0
>>>>> objSize = 1
>>>>> objImpl = 0
>>>>> isIndexable = false
>>>>> isInvariant = true
>>>>> isOverlayed = false
>>>>> isPartial = false
>>>>> lacksReadAuth = false
>>>>> isClamped = false
>>>>> oops = GbxL8OopArray(16r7FE2101 )
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> replication = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication
>>>>> aReport = GbxL8v3ObjectReport with:
>>>>> valueBuffSize = 8
>>>>> namedSize = 1
>>>>> idxSize = 0
>>>>> firstOffset = 1
>>>>> objId = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79C01}
>>>>> objClass = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79E01}
>>>>> segment = 0
>>>>> objSize = 1
>>>>> objImpl = 0
>>>>> isIndexable = false
>>>>> isInvariant = true
>>>>> isOverlayed = false
>>>>> isPartial = false
>>>>> lacksReadAuth = false
>>>>> isClamped = false
>>>>> oops = GbxL8OopArray(16r7FE2101 )
>>>>> Context PC = 26
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication>>replicateFromDeferredReport:
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> interaction = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxSingleTripServerTraversal for session 1
>>>>> replicationSpecSelector: #replicationSpec
>>>>> , traversal root: a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 32 {16r288AF01}
>>>>> objectsWithDeferredAssignments = an OrderedCollection[40]
>>>>> reportsWithDeferredElements = an OrderedCollection[0]
>>>>> reportsWithNoMappedClass = an OrderedCollection[3]
>>>>> session = Session 1 (remote) for 'Trader' on
>>>>> '!@gemstone#netldi:40055!gs64stone' @ 'gemstone'
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> report = GbxL8v3ObjectReport with:
>>>>> valueBuffSize = 8
>>>>> namedSize = 1
>>>>> idxSize = 0
>>>>> firstOffset = 1
>>>>> objId = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79C01}
>>>>> objClass = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79E01}
>>>>> segment = 0
>>>>> objSize = 1
>>>>> objImpl = 0
>>>>> isIndexable = false
>>>>> isInvariant = true
>>>>> isOverlayed = false
>>>>> isPartial = false
>>>>> lacksReadAuth = false
>>>>> isClamped = false
>>>>> oops = GbxL8OopArray(16r7FE2101 )
>>>>> Temporaries:
>>>>> replicator = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxUnmappedClassReplicator
>>>>> Context PC = 10
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> optimized [] in GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication>>resolveUnmappedClasses
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> an UndefinedObject
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> aReport = GbxL8v3ObjectReport with:
>>>>> valueBuffSize = 8
>>>>> namedSize = 1
>>>>> idxSize = 0
>>>>> firstOffset = 1
>>>>> objId = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79C01}
>>>>> objClass = GbxL8BufferOop{16r2E79E01}
>>>>> segment = 0
>>>>> objSize = 1
>>>>> objImpl = 0
>>>>> isIndexable = false
>>>>> isInvariant = true
>>>>> isOverlayed = false
>>>>> isPartial = false
>>>>> lacksReadAuth = false
>>>>> isClamped = false
>>>>> oops = GbxL8OopArray(16r7FE2101 )
>>>>> Temporaries:
>>>>> .self = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication
>>>>> Context PC = 18
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> an OrderedCollection
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> firstIndex = 1
>>>>> lastIndex = 3
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> aBlock = BlockClosure [] in
>>>>> GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication>>resolveUnmappedClasses
>>>>> Temporaries:
>>>>> index = 1
>>>>> Context PC = 17
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication>>resolveUnmappedClasses
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication
>>>>> Instance Variables:
>>>>> interaction = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxSingleTripServerTraversal for session 1
>>>>> replicationSpecSelector: #replicationSpec
>>>>> , traversal root: a GbxL8Delegate sess: 1 flags: 32 {16r288AF01}
>>>>> objectsWithDeferredAssignments = an OrderedCollection[40]
>>>>> reportsWithDeferredElements = an OrderedCollection[0]
>>>>> reportsWithNoMappedClass = an OrderedCollection[3]
>>>>> session = Session 1 (remote) for 'Trader' on
>>>>> '!@gemstone#netldi:40055!gs64stone' @ 'gemstone'
>>>>> Context PC = 8
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> optimized [] in GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication>>resolve
>>>>> Receiver:
>>>>> an UndefinedObject
>>>>> Temporaries:
>>>>> .self = a GemStone.Gbs.GbxReplication
>>>>> Context PC = 7
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