[Glass] a InternalError occurred (error 2261), The object with object ID 20 is corrupt. Reason: 'process switch not in critial state'

Lisa Almarode lisa.almarode at gemtalksystems.com
Sun Aug 18 21:07:04 PDT 2013

The -C is only needed for conversion, as from 2.x to 3.x, and you only
need to run that once after copying over your 2.x extents.

I do apologize that the -C was missing for the 3.1 System Administration
Guide; it's not a operational stone parameter so it's easy to miss. You
can get some basic information on the arguments for utilities by
executing startstone -h.

Lisa Almarode
GemTalk Technical Support

On 8/18/2013 3:03 PM, John McIntosh wrote:
> Ok, well missed doing 
> upgradeSeasideImage -s seaside
> then I can connect. 
> Then I use GemTools to confirm the current server side gemstone tools is
> loaded, 
> then add my MC repository and load my app, data seems there.
> But will wait on 
> Not sure about the need for the '-C' parm, is that for 2.4.x to 3.1.x ? 

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