[Glass] Changed DataCurator password and now I cannot start seaside gems

Dale K. Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Thu Dec 5 15:52:26 PST 2013

----- Original Message -----

| From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <marianopeck at gmail.com>
| To: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
| Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:13:04 PM
| Subject: [Glass] Changed DataCurator password and now I cannot start
| seaside gems

| Hi guys,

| I modified my DataCurator password as explained in the guide:

| (AllUsers userWithId: 'DataCurator')
| password: 'xxx' . System commitTransaction

| Then just in case I restarted everything. GemStone can start and I
| can login with topaz (with the new password). However, when I start
| my seaside gems as I used to do:

| WAFastCGIAdaptor stop.
| WAGemStoneRunSeasideGems default
| name: 'FastCGI';
| adaptorClass: WAFastCGIAdaptor;
| ports: #(9001 9002 9003).
| WAGemStoneRunSeasideGems restartGems.

| They fail...in the log I read:

| [Info]: Logging out at 12/05/2013 15:53:49 EST
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error Fatal
| Login failed: the GemStone userId/password combination is invalid
| or expired.
| Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4051 Arg Count: 0 Context :
| 20 exception : 20

| If I see $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/gemstone.secret
| it has the old default swordfish password....

| I am not supposed to change that by hand since it is read only.
It is readOnly because you are not supposed to change it without thinking ... this is where the seaside start scripts get the password information by default, so go ahead and change the password here ..... if you want more security than that, I think you can use use LDAP (you might need to use LDAP). I personally haven't played around with LDAP, so I'm not completely clear on how to hook it up ... 

| So...what else should I change?

| Thanks in advance,

| --
| Mariano
| http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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