[Glass] Jade update 22-Dec-2013

James Foster james.foster at gemtalksystems.com
Sun Dec 22 21:26:03 PST 2013

http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/jade/ contains a link to the Microsoft Windows IDE dated 22-Dec-13 with the following changes:

	* fix error on removing a newly-created non-empty category (Marten)
	* select ‘Method Source’ tab after creating a new method category (Gerhard)
	* a first implementation of method version history (Gerhard)

Pending issues:

	* context menu does not recognize message sends when in inner blocks;
	* use code editing from System Browser in Method List Browser; and
	* code execution on the class side in the code browser.

Thanks for the problem reports and suggestions. I appreciate the feedback.


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