[Glass] Upgrade to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1 error

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Tue Jul 2 06:49:31 PDT 2013


> Also send me the results of the menu item: Admin>>DoIt...>Version Report

A) 	when do it the system (  After do the Upgrade )	erase the error : 

		a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a MetacelloVersionConstructor does not understand  #'projectClass' -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:1]

	MessageNotUnderstood >> defaultAction (envId 0)
AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
Object >> doesNotUnderstand: (envId 0)
Object >> _doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: (envId 0)
MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor >> project (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> collectAllVersionsFromVersionPragmasInto:using: (envId 0)
Dictionary >> keysAndValuesDo: (envId 0)
MetacelloVersionConstructor >> collectAllVersionsFromVersionPragmasInto:using: (envId 0)
MetacelloVersionConstructor >> calculate:project: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> on: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:at:doing: (envId 0)
MetacelloVersionConstructor >> on: (envId 0)
MetacelloVersionConstructor class >> on: (envId 0)
ConfigurationOfGLASS >> project (envId 0)
ConfigurationOfGLASS class >> project (envId 0)
[] in  Executed Code  (envId 0)
SequenceableCollection >> collect: (envId 0)
Executed Code           
GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)

A1)  After restore a Backup   before do the upgrade :

1. ConfigurationOfFileTree	1.0.1	#'development'
2. ConfigurationOfGLASS	1.0-beta.8.7.4	#'release'
3. ConfigurationOfGofer	#'release'
4. ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader	1.0-alpha2.2	#'development'
5. ConfigurationOfGrease	1.0.8	#'development'
6. ConfigurationOfGsCore	0.247	#'release'
7. ConfigurationOfGsFastCGI	0.235	#'release'
8. ConfigurationOfGsMisc	0.242	#'release'
9. ConfigurationOfGsMonticello	0.244.2	#'release'
10. ConfigurationOfGsOB	0.242.1	#'release'
11. ConfigurationOfGsSIXX	0.3-c.1	#'development'
12. ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon	0.9.4	#'development'
13. ConfigurationOfJQueryWidgetBox	2.7	#'development'
14. ConfigurationOfMagritte3	3.0	#'development'
15. ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns	3.0.0	#'release'
16. ConfigurationOfMetacello	1.0-beta.31.2	#'development'
17. ConfigurationOfPier3	3.0.0	#'release'
18. ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns	3.0.3	#'development'
19. ConfigurationOfSeaside30	3.0.8	#'stable'
20. ConfigurationOfSwazoo2	#'development'
21. ConfigurationOfTopFeeder	1.0.0	#'release'
22. ConfigurationOfTwitterBootstrap	1.0.1	#'release'
23. ConfigurationOfXMLSupport	1.1.8	#'release'
24. ConfigurationOfXMLWriter	1.0.5	#'release'
25. ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents	1.1	#'release'

B)  i hope this is your request 


> I need to know the details about the stack frame that signals the primitive failure: receiver and list of arguments ...

_primSubclass: nameSym
instVarNames: anArrayOfStrings
format: anInteger
constraints: aConstraint
classVars: aSymbolDictionary
poolDictionaries: anArrayOfPoolDicts

"subclass creation primitive.

 if aSymbolDictionary is empty or nil , the resulting class will have
  classVars == nil .
 if anArrayOfPoolDicts is empty or nil , the resulting class will have
   poolDictionaries == nil 

 Gemstone64, this primitive enforces the restriction that
 a class cannot be more than 450 classes below Object when
 following the superClass chain upwards ."

<primitive: 233>
nameSym _validateClass: Symbol .
anInteger _validateClass: SmallInteger.
anArrayOfStrings _validateClass: Array.
((self == IdentityBag) or: [self inheritsFrom: IdentityBag])
   ifTrue: [(aConstraint isKindOf: Class)
      ifFalse: [ ^ aConstraint _error: #classErrConstraintNotClass]]
   ifFalse: [(aConstraint _isArray)
      ifFalse: [ ^ aConstraint _error: #classErrConstraintNotClass]].
aSymbolDictionary ifNotNil:[ aSymbolDictionary _validateClass: SymbolDictionary].
anArrayOfPoolDicts ifNotNil:[ anArrayOfPoolDicts _validateClass: Array ].

^ self _primitiveFailed:
   args: { nameSym . anArrayOfStrings . anInteger . 
           aConstraint . aSymbolDictionary . anArrayOfPoolDicts }

[1] AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: (envId 0)
	handleInCextensionBool: nil
	num: nil
	res: nil
	.t1: nil
	.t2: a ArgumentError occurred (error 2149), An illegal identifier #'importName ' was used to name an instance variable or class.
	receiver: a ArgumentError occurred (error 2149), An illegal identifier #'importName ' was used to name an instance variable or class.
[2] Metaclass3 >> _primSubclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:poolDictionaries: (envId 0)
	nameSym: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	anArrayOfStrings: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	anInteger: 0
	aConstraint: anArray( )
	aSymbolDictionary: nil
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: nil
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[3] Metaclass3 >> _subclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:poolDictionaries: (envId 0)
	nameSym: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	anArrayOfStrings: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	anInteger: 0
	aConstraint: anArray( )
	aSymbolDictionary: nil
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: nil
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[4] Class >> _subclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:inClassHistory:description:options: (envId 0)
	className: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	anArrayOfInstvarNames: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	theFormat: 0
	theConstraints: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassInstVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: anArray( )
	aDictionary: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	aClassHistory: aClassHistory( MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec)
	aDescription: ''
	optionsArray: anArray( )
	i: nil
	resultClass: nil
	selfClass: nil
	theHist: nil
	result: nil
	poolDicts: nil
	cvDict: nil
	conEleEle: nil
	k: nil
	temp: nil
	conEle: nil
	j: nil
	classCon: anArray( )
	j: 9
	ivNames: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	theName: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	modifiableBool: false
	fmt: 0
	fmtArr: anArray( 0, false, false)
	.t1: 0
	.t2: 9
	.t3: nil
	.t4: nil
	.t5: nil
	.t6: nil
	.t7: MetacelloSpec
	.t8: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	.t9: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	.t10: 0
	.t11: anArray( )
	.t12: nil
	.t13: nil
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[5] Class >> subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:newVersionOf:description:options: (envId 0)
	aString: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	anArrayOfInstvarNames: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	anArrayOfClassVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassInstVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: anArray( )
	aDictionary: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	oldClass: MetacelloVersionSpec
	aDescription: nil
	optionsArray: anArray( )
	hist: aClassHistory( MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec)
	descr: ''
	.t1: MetacelloSpec
	.t2: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	.t3: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	.t4: 0
	.t5: anArray( )
	.t6: anArray( )
	.t7: anArray( )
	.t8: anArray( )
	.t9: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	.t10: aClassHistory( MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec, MetacelloVersionSpec)
	.t11: ''
	.t12: anArray( )
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[6] Class >> subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:options: (envId 0)
	aString: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	anArrayOfInstvarNames: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	anArrayOfClassVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassInstVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: anArray( )
	aDictionary: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	optionsArray: anArray( )
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[7] Class >> subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:category:inDictionary:options: (envId 0)
	aString: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	anArrayOfStrings: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	anArrayOfClassVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassInstVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: anArray( )
	aCategoryName: 'Metacello-Core-Specs'
	aDictionary: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	optionsArray: anArray( )
	cl: nil
	.t1: MetacelloSpec
	.t2: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	.t3: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	.t4: anArray( )
	.t5: anArray( )
	.t6: anArray( )
	.t7: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	.t8: anArray( )
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[8] [] in  Class >> subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:category:options: (envId 0)
	optionsArray: anArray( )
	aCategoryName: 'Metacello-Core-Specs'
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassInstVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfStrings: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	aString: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	self: MetacelloSpec
	symbolDict: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	aDictionaryName: ''
	.t1: MetacelloSpec
	.t2: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	.t3: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	.t4: anArray( )
	.t5: anArray( )
	.t6: anArray( )
	.t7: 'Metacello-Core-Specs'
	.t8: aSymbolDictionary( #'GRCodec'->GRCodec, #'WATableHeadingTag'->WATableHeadingTag, #'WAAttributeEditor'->WAAttributeEditor, #'WATableDataTag'->WATableDataTag, #'OBSendersBrowser'->OBSendersBrowser, #'WATableColumnTag'->WATableColumnTag, #'WATableColumnGroupTag'->WATableColumnGroupTag, #'WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor'->WAUserConfigurationEditorVisitor, #'OBReferencesBrowser'->OBReferencesBrowser, #'GRStringPrinter'->GRStringPrinter, #'GRSignPrinter'->GRSignPrinter, #'WATableCellTag'->WATableCellTag, #'WASubmitButtonTag'->WASubmitButtonTag, #'WAStringLibraryEditor'->WAStringLibraryEditor, #'WADispatcherSubPage'->WADispatcherSubPage, #'OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser'->OBMethodCaseSensitiveStringsBrowser, ...)
	.t9: anArray( )
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[9] Class class >> _defineClassNamed:with: (envId 0)
	aClassName: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	cls: nil
	classOrganizer: aCachingClassOrganizer
	originalClass: MetacelloVersionSpec
	receiver: Class
[10] Class >> subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:category:options: (envId 0)
	aString: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	anArrayOfStrings: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	anArrayOfClassVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfClassInstVars: anArray( )
	anArrayOfPoolDicts: anArray( )
	aDictionaryName: ''
	aCategoryName: 'Metacello-Core-Specs'
	optionsArray: anArray( )
	aString: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	receiver: MetacelloSpec
[11] MCClassDefinition >> createClass (envId 0)
	ty: #'normal'
	opts: anArray( )
	newClass: nil
	poolArray: anArray( )
	civArray: anArray( )
	cvArray: anArray( )
	ivArray: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	aClass: MetacelloSpec
	.t1: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	.t2: anArray( )
	.t3: anArray( )
	.t4: anArray( )
	.t5: #'normal'
	.t6: anArray( )
	.t7: MetacelloSpec
	.t8: #'MetacelloVersionSpec'
	.t9: anArray( 'versionString', 'blessing', 'description', 'author', 'timestamp', 'preLoadDoIt', 'postLoadDoIt', 'packageList', 'importName ')
	.t10: anArray( )
	.t11: anArray( )
	.t12: anArray( )
	.t13: ''
	.t14: 'Metacello-Core-Specs'
	.t15: anArray( )
	receiver: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
[12] MCClassDefinition >> load (envId 0)
	cl: nil
	self: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
	receiver: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
[13] MCDefinition >> loadOver: (envId 0)
	aDefinition: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
	receiver: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
[14] MCClassDefinition >> errorLoadOver: (envId 0)
	aDefinition: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
	receiver: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
[15] [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
	self: aMCPackageLoader
	ea: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[16] ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
	exceptionSelector: MessageNotUnderstood
	handlerBlock: anExecBlock
	fastPath: true
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[17] [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
	ea: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[18] ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
	exceptionSelector: Error
	handlerBlock: anExecBlock1
	fastPath: true
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[19] [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
	ea: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[20] Collection >> do: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock1
	i: 1
	.t1: 1
	.t2: 1
	.t3: anExecBlock1
	.t4: aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec)
	receiver: anOrderedCollection( aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec))
[21] Collection >> do:displayingProgress: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock1
	aString: 'Reloading...'
	receiver: anOrderedCollection( aMCClassDefinition(MetacelloVersionSpec))
[22] [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
	repairErrorStream: aWriteStream
	repairs: anOrderedCollection( )
	self: aMCPackageLoader
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[23] ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
	exceptionSelector: InMidstOfFileinNotification
	handlerBlock: anExecBlock
	fastPath: true
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[24] [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[25] ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock
	result: nil
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[26] MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
	repairErrorStream: aWriteStream
	repairs: anOrderedCollection( )
	duplicateInstanceVarDefs: aDictionary( )
	self: aMCPackageLoader
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[27] [] in  MCPackageLoader >> loadWithNameLike: (envId 0)
	self: aMCPackageLoader
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[28] [] in  MCPackageLoader >> useChangeSetNamed:during: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	receiver: nil
[29] ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock
	result: nil
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: nil
[30] MCPackageLoader >> useChangeSetNamed:during: (envId 0)
	baseName: 'Metacello-Core-dkh.669'
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	newChanges: aChangeSet
	oldChanges: nil
	changeHolder: ChangeSet
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	.t2: anExecBlock
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[31] MCPackageLoader >> useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: (envId 0)
	baseName: 'Metacello-Core-dkh.669'
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[32] MCPackageLoader >> loadWithNameLike: (envId 0)
	baseName: 'Metacello-Core-dkh.669'
	self: aMCPackageLoader
	receiver: aMCPackageLoader
[33] MCVersionLoader >> load (envId 0)
	loader: aMCPackageLoader
	receiver: aMCVersionLoader
[34] GoferLoad >> execute (envId 0)
	receiver: aMetacelloGoferLoad
[35] [] in  MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> loadPackageDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	goferLoad: aMetacelloGoferLoad
	resolvedReference: aMetacelloCachingGoferResolvedReference name: 'Metacello-Core-dkh.669'
	receiver: aMetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader
[36] [] in  MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> loadPackageDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	aPackageLoadDirective: load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	answers: anArray( )
	loadBlock: anExecBlock0
	resolvedReference: aMetacelloCachingGoferResolvedReference name: 'Metacello-Core-dkh.669'
	packageSpec: spec 
	name: 'Metacello-Core';
	requires: #('Metacello-Base' );
	includes: #('Metacello-MC' 'Metacello-Platform' );
	file: 'Metacello-Core-dkh.669'.
	self: aMetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: aMetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader
[37] MetacelloPlatform >> do:displaying: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	aString: 'Loading Metacello-Core-dkh.669'
	receiver: aMetacelloGemStonePlatform
[38] MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> loadPackageDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	aPackageLoadDirective: load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	self: aMetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader
	packageSpec: spec 
	name: 'Metacello-Core';
	requires: #('Metacello-Base' );
	includes: #('Metacello-MC' 'Metacello-Platform' );
	file: 'Metacello-Core-dkh.669'.
	aPackageLoadDirective: load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	receiver: aMetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader
[39] MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadPackageDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	aPackageLoadDirective: load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	receiver: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
[40] MetacelloPackageLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	receiver: load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
[41] [] in  MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	directive: load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	receiver: nil
[42] Collection >> do: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock1
	i: 2
	.t1: 11
	.t2: 2
	.t3: anExecBlock1
	.t4: load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	receiver: anOrderedCollection( load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103, load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669, preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt, load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669, load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29, postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt, load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131, explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB], explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB], atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
	atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
		explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
		linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease], ...)
[43] MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	receiver: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
[44] MetacelloAtomicLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	receiver: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
[45] MetacelloLinearLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	receiver: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
[46] [] in  MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadAtomicLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	directive: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aLoaderDirective: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	receiver: nil
[47] Collection >> do: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock1
	i: 6
	.t1: 13
	.t2: 6
	.t3: anExecBlock1
	.t4: linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	receiver: anOrderedCollection( explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello], explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45, explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello], explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello], explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello], linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
	load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
	preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
	load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
	postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
	load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
	atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
		atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
				linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
	load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83, ...)
[48] MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadAtomicLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aLoaderDirective: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	receiver: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
[49] MetacelloAtomicLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	receiver: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
[50] [] in  MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	directive: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	receiver: nil
[51] Collection >> do: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock1
	i: 10
	.t1: 10
	.t2: 10
	.t3: anExecBlock1
	.t4: atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	receiver: anOrderedCollection( explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780, explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS], explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS], explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS], explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24, explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS], explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS], explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS], explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS], atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
		load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
		preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
		load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
		postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
		load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
		atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
			atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
				linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
					linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
		load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
	postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
	explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
	postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
	linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon])
[52] MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	receiver: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
[53] MetacelloLinearLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
	aLoaderDirective: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	aGofer: aMetacelloGofer
	receiver: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
[54] MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadWithPolicy: (envId 0)
	aLoadPolicy: aMetacelloLoaderPolicy
	gofer: aMetacelloGofer
	.t1: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	.t2: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
	.t3: aMetacelloGofer
	receiver: linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon]
[55] MetacelloLoaderPolicy >> load (envId 0)
	receiver: aMetacelloLoaderPolicy
[56] MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader >> doLoad (envId 0)
	receiver: aMetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon])
[57] [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
	fetchLoader: aMetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon])
	receiver: nil
[58] MetacelloPlatform >> do:displaying: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	aString: 'Loading 1.0-beta.9 of ConfigurationOfGLASS'
	receiver: aMetacelloGemStonePlatform
[59] [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
	displayString: '1.0-beta.9 of ConfigurationOfGLASS'
	fetchLoader: aMetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfMetacello-dkh.780
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		load : ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.24
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	explicit load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	atomic load : 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : ConfigurationOfFileTree-dkh.45
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		explicit load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
			load : Metacello-Base-dkh.103
			load : Metacello-Core-dkh.669
			preload : Metacello-MC >> gemstone10beta24PreLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-MC-dkh.669
			load : Metacello-Platform.gemstone-dkh.29
			postload : Metacello-Platform >> gemstone10beta311PostLoadDoIt
			load : Metacello-ToolBox-dkh.131
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			explicit load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
			atomic load : 0.242.1 [ConfigurationOfGsOB]
				explicit load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
				atomic load : 0.242 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					explicit load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						explicit load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
						linear load : 1.0.8 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
			load : OB-Metacello-dkh.83
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		linear load : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
		postload : 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistry
		explicit load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		linear load : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader]
		postload : 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
		linear load : 0.9.4 [ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon])
	anArray: anArray( 'Core', 'Monticello', 'Gofer Project Loader')
	self: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	.t1: aMetacelloGemStonePlatform
	.t2: anExecBlock0
	.t3: 'Loading 1.0-beta.9 of ConfigurationOfGLASS'
	receiver: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
[60] ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock
	result: nil
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
[61] MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
	anArray: anArray( 'Core', 'Monticello', 'Gofer Project Loader')
	oldBypassProgress: false
	oldPolicy: nil
	displayString: '1.0-beta.9 of ConfigurationOfGLASS'
	self: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	receiver: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
[62] Collection >> loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: (envId 0)
	aMetacelloMCVersion: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	receiver: anArray( 'Core', 'Monticello', 'Gofer Project Loader')
[63] MetacelloMCVersion >> load: (envId 0)
	required: anArray( 'Core', 'Monticello', 'Gofer Project Loader')
	receiver: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
[64] [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> doVersionLoadFrom:to: (envId 0)
	version: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	receiver: nil
[65] ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
	exceptionSelector: MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad
	handlerBlock: anExecBlock
	fastPath: true
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: nil
[66] [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> forceMetacelloLoadDuring: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	cl: MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad
	receiver: nil
[67] ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
	exceptionSelector: Warning
	handlerBlock: anExecBlock1
	fastPath: true
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: nil
[68] [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> forceMetacelloLoadDuring: (envId 0)
	cl: MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad
	receiver: nil
[69] SmalltalkProxy >> at:ifPresent: (envId 0)
	aGlobalName: #'MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad'
	aBlock: anExecBlock1
	glob: MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad
	.t1: anExecBlock1
	.t2: MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad
	receiver: aSmalltalkProxy
[70] OGUpgradeJadeServer >> forceMetacelloLoadDuring: (envId 0)
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	aBlock: anExecBlock0
	receiver: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
[71] OGUpgradeJadeServer >> doVersionLoadFrom:to: (envId 0)
	loadedVersion: >=1.0-beta.8.7.4 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	version: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	metacelloVersion: nil
	version: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	.t1: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
	.t2: anExecBlock0
	receiver: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
[72] [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> upgradeGLASSServer (envId 0)
	version: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	loadedVersion: >=1.0-beta.8.7.4 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	self: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
	receiver: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
[73] ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
	exceptionSelector: Warning
	handlerBlock: anExecBlock
	fastPath: true
	.t1: anExecBlock0
	receiver: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
[74] OGUpgradeJadeServer >> upgradeGLASSServer (envId 0)
	version: 1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	self: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
	loadedVersion: >=1.0-beta.8.7.4 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
	receiver: anOGUpgradeJadeServer
[75] GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
	receiver: nil

> Dale
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Dario Trussardi" <dario.trussardi at tiscali.it>
> | To: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
> | Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 12:26:22 AM
> | Subject: [Glass] Upgrade to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1 error
> | 
> | Dale,
> | 
> | 	i follow your indications and load GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1 into Gemstone
> | 	3.1.04
> | 
> | The system report:
> | 
> | a ArgumentError occurred (error 2149), An illegal identifier
> | #'importName -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:1]
> | 
> | 
> | AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: (envId 0)
> | Metaclass3 >>
> | _primSubclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:poolDictionaries:
> | (envId 0)
> | Metaclass3 >>
> | _subclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:poolDictionaries:
> | (envId 0)
> | Class >>
> | _subclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:inClassHistory:description:options:
> | (envId 0)
> | Class >>
> | subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:newVersionOf:description:options:
> | (envId 0)
> | Class >>
> | subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:options:
> | (envId 0)
> | Class >>
> | subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:category:inDictionary:options:
> | (envId 0)
> | [] in  Class >>
> | subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:category:options:
> | (envId 0)
> | Class class >> _defineClassNamed:with: (envId 0)
> | Class >>
> | subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:category:options:
> | (envId 0)
> | MCClassDefinition >> createClass (envId 0)
> | MCClassDefinition >> load (envId 0)
> | MCDefinition >> loadOver: (envId 0)
> | MCClassDefinition >> errorLoadOver: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
> | Collection >> do: (envId 0)
> | Collection >> do:displayingProgress: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
> | MCPackageLoader >> basicLoad (envId 0)
> | [] in  MCPackageLoader >> loadWithNameLike: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MCPackageLoader >> useChangeSetNamed:during: (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
> | MCPackageLoader >> useChangeSetNamed:during: (envId 0)
> | MCPackageLoader >> useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: (envId 0)
> | MCPackageLoader >> loadWithNameLike: (envId 0)
> | MCVersionLoader >> load (envId 0)
> | GoferLoad >> execute (envId 0)
> | [] in  MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> | (envId 0)
> | [] in  MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> | (envId 0)
> | MetacelloPlatform >> do:displaying: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> loadPackageDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadPackageDirective:gofer: (envId
> | 0)
> | MetacelloPackageLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >>
> | loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
> | Collection >> do: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> | (envId 0)
> | MetacelloAtomicLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId
> | 0)
> | MetacelloLinearLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >>
> | loadAtomicLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
> | Collection >> do: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadAtomicLoadDirective:gofer:
> | (envId 0)
> | MetacelloAtomicLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >>
> | loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: (envId 0)
> | Collection >> do: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> | (envId 0)
> | MetacelloLinearLoadDirective >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloVersionLoadDirective >> loadWithPolicy: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloLoaderPolicy >> load (envId 0)
> | MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader >> doLoad (envId 0)
> | [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloPlatform >> do:displaying: (envId 0)
> | [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
> | Collection >> loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: (envId 0)
> | MetacelloMCVersion >> load: (envId 0)
> | [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> doVersionLoadFrom:to: (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
> | [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> forceMetacelloLoadDuring: (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
> | [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> forceMetacelloLoadDuring: (envId 0)
> | SmalltalkProxy >> at:ifPresent: (envId 0)
> | OGUpgradeJadeServer >> forceMetacelloLoadDuring: (envId 0)
> | OGUpgradeJadeServer >> doVersionLoadFrom:to: (envId 0)
> | [] in  OGUpgradeJadeServer >> upgradeGLASSServer (envId 0)
> | ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
> | OGUpgradeJadeServer >> upgradeGLASSServer (envId 0)
> | GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
> | 
> | 
> | Ciao,
> | 
> | 		Dario
> | 
> | 
> | _______________________________________________
> | Glass mailing list
> | Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
> | http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
> | 

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