[Glass] [GS/SS Beta] GLASS on Ubuntu Notebook

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Wed Jul 10 12:27:57 PDT 2013

Ciao Dale,

> Dario.
> If you look at the last line of the stone log, you'll see the error:
>   --- 06/29/13 18:11:08.675 CEST : Could not get the network address of the Gem, session 5.
>    Reason: getnameinfo failed, errno 22, Invalid argument failed with unknown h_errno = 22
> This is the clue about why the login is failing ... 
> We'll have to look into why the getnameinfo call is failing under Ubuntu 13..

I update the Ubuntu 64 bit  13.04 with he command :	sudo apt-get update

	and after i load the support for run 32bit  applications  	sudo apt-get install ia32-libs.

After this the GemTools request ( from MacBook )  work fine in any case:

		with the name of the server  : 	meeting001
		and with the relative IP  :

The relative GemTools session as report in the previous email now work with both definitions. 

> OGCustomSessionDescription new
> 	name: 'MeetingNuovo3104';
> 	stoneHost: '';	  ( or: 	 'meeting001' )
> 	stoneName: 'nuovo';
> 	gemHost: '';		( or:  	'meeting001' )
> 	netLDI: '50379';
> 	gemTask: 'gemnetobject';
> 	userId: 'DataCurator';
> 	password: 'swordfish';
> 	osUserId: '';
> 	osPassword: '';
> 	backupDirectory: '/DTRdbBackups/backupWorking/';
> 	dataDirectory: '';
> 	yourself.


> Dale
> From: "Dario Trussardi" <dario.trussardi at tiscali.it>
> To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <beta at seaside.gemstone.com>
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:18:41 AM
> Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] GLASS on Ubuntu Notebook
> Dale,
> i send all the log after start gemstone on ubuntu 13.04 
>     and do the login request from Gemtools using the ip of the server.
>     Dario
> Dario,
> I assume that this means that you are "out of the woods" as far as being able to use GemStone on 13.04 (barring any further issues).
> But you do appear to have uncovered a problem on 13.04. It would help us characterize the problem a bit if you'd send us the gem log (for a failing connection), netldi log and stone log from the meeting001/
>           host ... 
>           Dale

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