[Glass] reply-to address in list emails

Martin McClure martin.mcclure at gemtalksystems.com
Thu Nov 14 08:26:11 PST 2013

On 11/14/2013 07:14 AM, Paul DeBruicker wrote:
> Hi -
> Maybe its my mail client.  When I reply to posts I have to edit the to/cc addresses to include the list .  If I choose reply-all it includes the sender and the list.  Is there a way in the mailing list config you could set the reply-to header to the list's email address?

Reply all is probably the easiest and best way to reply to the list.

How mailing lists should set the Reply-To: header is a topic of much 
debate. For two dissenting opinions, see




After considering the options, I prefer the current setup. One reason is 
that doing a reply to only the individual when one meant to reply to the 
list is easily remedied (just reply again) whereas there's no way to 
remedy accidentally posting to the list what was meant to be a private 



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