[Glass] loading seaside and zinc

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Sat Nov 16 01:54:07 PST 2013

On 16 Nov 2013, at 00:07, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:

> BTW...with your magic lines to start Swazoo...that doens't block!! It works perfect. Why it doesn't block that one while Zinc does?  It open another gem or something?

No magic and not mine :-) Just gemstone multi-vm. 
So yes, it actually invokes the command-line scripts that start other topaz processes where the blocking call to the adaptor happens.
You can take a look at the startSeaside30Adaptor script in the $gemstone/product/seaside/bin directory

>  Ok, cool. In the meanwhile I continue using Swazoo that for my current needs (start porting) works fine.
> If there is anything I could do/test, let me know! 

When an error is raised inside the app, the adaptor indeed crashes. 
The funny thing is that the handleRequest: method returns a WAResponse class instead of an instance. I have to digg deeper to understand where that happens but it is the same error that I got before removing the #requestFor: method. It seems that an error occurs deeper in the code that is handled and then the WAResponse class is returned as a value...


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