[Glass] remote configuration for topaz?

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 12:16:12 PST 2013

Hi guys, it seems I don't know how to configure a topaz ini file for my
remote gemstone.

With GemTools I can login this way:

OGStandardSessionDescription new
name: 'commandLineGemstoneRemote';
stoneHost: 'localhost';
stoneName: 'seaside';
gemHost: 'localhost';
netLDI: '50330';
userId: 'DataCurator';
password: 'swordfish';
backupDirectory: '/opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data/backups/';

Note that I am using SSH tunnel from my localhost:50330 to my remote

I tried a topaz file like this:

set user DataCurator pass swordfish
set gemstone seaside

And call topaz this way:

topaz -I localGemStone

but it seems it is not enough.

Do you know what I should do?

Thanks in advance!

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