[Glass] tools/objectLog web tool and stack traces?

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 06:56:50 PST 2013

Hi guys,

I was quite amazed with GemTools and how I could debug my local gemstone.
But when I tried to connect to a remote instance, I understood what you
said it was slow ;)
So for the "porting" of my app, I have no problem because I can do
everything with my local gemstone and then with topaz and metacello I load
stuff in my remote gemstone.

But there is one thing I miss about GemTools and a remote instance: debug
problems. I know I could copy the extents to my machine and debug it here,
but moving the extents over the wire can take me several hours.

So....I wonder, which are all possibilities we have to debug a problem in a
remote GemStone? Say a typical seaside walkback.

1) I guess logs. I am still a bit lost in which log the stack traces of an
error is stored. I checked in /opt/gemstone and I don't seem to find them.
I am talking about something like the PharoDebug.log

2) ObjectLog. I saw there is a web tool WAObjectLog but I can see only the
log..I cannot seem to see the stack traces

Since I am still porting the app, it is likely most of my problems will be
DNUs or something like that. So it is likely that a simple stack trace
would help.
But...say that at some point I would really like to really debug it, which
options do I have besides copying the extens to my local gemstone?
Dale, is it tODE ready for this? (debug from the Object Log)

Thanks in advance for any help!

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