[Glass] Permission denied that I cannot fix :(

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 11:19:47 PST 2013

Ok, trying to apply the gsamin and gsgroup I broke gemstone. I rollbacked
everything to use my original installation user (marianopeck)
I can start gemstone, I can start netldi, but I cannot log from topaz.

In the log I have:

Internal tables are configured for 1359 concurrent clients.
Server socket gs64ldi (protocol TCP) is created, with a delay of 30 seconds.
Summary of netldi parameters:
   The host name is 'centosserver'.
 GEMSTONE is: '/opt/gemstone/product'.
   Authentication is required only to create processes.
   Process creation is permitted through user's HOME directory.
   Created processes belong to client's account.
   The command line is:
     /opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit3.1.0.4-x86_64.Linux/sys/netldid gs64ldi
Entering Service Loop
11/27/2013 14:16:37 EST Authorization Warning:
    Incorrect password for user 'marianopeck'.
    error = Password validation failed for user marianopeck because
getspnam_r() returned an error: errno=13,EACCES, Authorization failure
(permission denied)

I don't get it. I tried reinstalling GemStone but I keep having this
problem :(

Any help is really appreciated!!

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