[Glass] Jade and Seaside-Rest question

BrunoBB smalltalk at adinet.com.uy
Thu Oct 24 16:57:52 PDT 2013

Hi James,

I'm using Jade to create a Seaside application that has some Rest Services.

When you create a method with pragmas then there is an error in the parser.

I think this is because Dolphin Smalltalk parser does not support pragmas.

Is this right or maybe i doing something wrong ? 
I will investigate this and try it to solve it in Jade.

For example:
   ^String streamContents: [ :stream |
     #('hola' 'test' 'tasks') do: [ :each |
         stream nextPutAll: each; crlf ] ]

Well, searching in Dolphin Smalltalk list i found this:

If this package works fine i will let you know to add it to Jade to support
Rest with Jade.


View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Jade-and-Seaside-Rest-question-tp4716962.html
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