[Glass] Jade 1.059: package extension naming ...

itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Dec 2 01:41:01 PST 2014

I can anyone confirm this ? I'm working here further on with this
version, but get not a very good feeling.

If I add a method to an extension method category, this method is stored
in the base package but also in the extension package. This at least can
be seen in the Monticello packages created via Jade.

I looked at the source code within Dolphin, but actually on a first
quikck view I simply did not understand how the stuff is working.


Am 27.11.2014 um 07:36 schrieb itlists at schrievkrom.de via Glass:
> Something has changed in the behaviour of recognizing, that an extension
> has changed.
> If I have a package named "Hallo" and "HalloExtension" and I add a
> method category "*HalloExtension" to a class defined in "Hallo" and add
> a method to that category, the system will not make any package "black"
> (= changed).
> If I add a category "*halloextension" the system works as in in earlier
> releases: the extension is "blacked".

Marten Feldtmann

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