[Glass] SIXX load conflict

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Dec 18 03:10:33 PST 2014

I load SIXX support into GLASS with the command:

Metacello new
    baseline: 'SIXX';
    repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository';

The system answer :

a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debugging: Warning: LOCK ENFORCED: Attempt to 'load with conflicts' new project: 'ConfigurationOfGrease 1.0.3 from http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository' when existing project: 'BaselineOfGrease [baseline] from github://GsDevKit/Grease:master/repository' is locked. New project not loaded. Use #onLock: to intercept. -  G/S[Scandella3106:2]

I do some 	proced 	commands.

At he end the system answer:

	linear load : 
	linear load : baseline [BaselineOfSIXX]
		linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
			linear load : baseline [BaselineOfGrease]
				atomic load : 0.243 [ConfigurationOfGsMisc]
					linear load : 1.1.8 [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]
		load : SIXX.310-dkh.183

I can consider correct the loading?



P.S. The GLASS 3.1.06 is create with development kit 	createTodeStone   command

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