[Glass] Git Bitbucket problematic

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Dec 20 03:48:43 PST 2014


	i do some test for understund the continuos  development cycle from Pharo to Gemstone with git support.

	Question in my last email, i think is attributable at this problematic:

	if in Pharo i work on one class and remove or rename a method as this is management by git?

	When i load the change into gemstone ( and this is not my first porting ) how the system management the remove method,

		and the rename method?

	If i right understand i need work directly in gemstone to remove the hold definitions.

	My first think is to move ( into Pharo )  this method into a specific category ( deleted  renamed ) so as to have clear reference into gemstone.

	The same problematic is relative to the class definitions into package.

	If remove ( Or rename )  a class from a package, when i load it into gemstone, the hold class to be management manually.

	And if move class into another package  what the system do?


P.S.  i select object database with objective to management continuous development with linear and clear definitions.

	I need to work some in this area 

> Dario,
> I am not quite sure what problem you are trying to report ... it sould help me fiugre out what might be happening if you give a detailed description of of the EXACT commands you take on each machine ...
> I also don't know what you mean by "report some data" and "report other data" ... details of the EXACT data and differences would help here ...
> Dale
> On 12/19/14 7:07 AM, Dario Trussardi via Glass wrote:
>> Ciao,
>> 	this message is not direct to gemstone problematic,
>> 	but anyone can help me to understand and redirect me to right reference.
>> 	I work with Git Bitbucket repository to interchange code from Pharo to Gemstone.
>> 	Now i have the same package  ( with the same UUID ):
>> 	Name: ConfigurationOfDtrBase-DTR.13
>> 	Author: DTR
>> 	Time: 18 December 2014, 6:39:27.286829 pm
>> 	UUID: 000ca25e-c28c-4170-9fe7-bde0855c92b0
>> 	Ancestors: ConfigurationOfDtrBase-DTR.12
>> 	But in Pharo ( where i use the git push command ) it report some data
>> 	while in Gemstone ( where i update the data with git pull command ) it report other  data.
>> 	( Into gemstone it report the right Pharo data		 with also some hold class and methods 	removed from the package in Pharo )
>> 	How it's possible ?  The UUID  package  displayed with Monticello is same in the two environment .
>> 	Thanks for any considerations,
>> 		Dario
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