[Glass] How can I release a malloced CByteArray ....

James Foster james.foster at gemtalksystems.com
Wed Feb 26 08:12:16 PST 2014

The short answer is “you can’t!” As indicated in the method comment, this is intended to be used to pass to C functions that take responsibility for freeing the memory. In most cases you should use CByteArray class>>#'gcMalloc:’ so that the external memory is freed automatically when the object is no longer referenced within Smalltalk.


On Feb 26, 2014, at 8:03 AM, itlists at schrievkrom.de wrote:

> I've created a ByteArray in "non-Smalltalk" memory via
> "CByteArray malloc: 100"
> Now the question: how can I release it again by Gemstone ?
> Marten
> -- 
> Marten Feldtmann
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