[Glass] migrate problem

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Thu Jan 16 11:24:31 PST 2014


I had the problem of 'double classes' in the past as well when I did loading via Monticello in gemtools rather than in topaz and using the GsDeployer.
I retained the following script to fix that (which I believe was whipped up by Dale at that time)

classesWithOldSuperclasses := Set new.
Smalltalk allClasses do:[:s |
	Smalltalk allClasses do:[:c | 
		(c superclass name = s name and:[(c superclass = s) not]) ifTrue:[classesWithOldSuperclasses add: c]]].
classesWithOldSuperclasses do:[:c | Transcript show: c name;cr. c definition evaluate]

Hope it helps

On 16 Jan 2014, at 20:18, Norbert Hartl <norbert at hartl.name> wrote:

> Dale,
> that didn’t work. Now I have some of the classes doubled and some tripled. I need to try a few more things. I was just wondering that the migrateTo: does not work as expected. I did this a few times in the past and it always worked like that. Or I just can’t remember correctly.
> Norbert
> Am 16.01.2014 um 17:37 schrieb Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>:
>> Norbert,
>> I am not a migration expert and I haven't read the docs (yet), but in reading the code, I think that you are supposed to send the #migrate message to instances of your class ...
>> Have you looked at GsDeployer? I think the following will do a pretty good job of migrating the instances for you:
>>   GsDeployer bulkMigrate: ["add instance variable to class"]
>> in fact I think right now you should be able to do:
>>   GsDeployer bulkMigrate: ["empty block"]
>> and get "pending migrations performed"....
>> Dale
>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 7:25 AM, Norbert Hartl <norbert at hartl.name> wrote:
>> I have one class hierarchy that has between 40 and 50 Mio. instances. Now I needed to add an instVar to the root of the hierarchy. Doing it with gemtools I switched off auto migration and loaded the monticello package containing the changed. But now I have problems migrating the instances manually.
>> COEvent allSubclasses  size
>> gives 5 while
>> COEvent classHistory first allSubclasses size
>> gives 23. A
>> COEvent classHistory first migrateTo: COEvent
>> didn’t do the trick. And 
>> COEvent migrate 
>> gives me
>> a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a Metaclass3 does not understand  #’migrationDestination'
>> I’m using
>> GemStone version ‚'
>> Any hints,
>> Norbert
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