[Glass] storeString bug?

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Thu Jan 16 17:36:31 PST 2014

ah ... yes so the comment in Object>>storeOn: has the disclaimer:

"Format the passive description so it can be filed in properly.
 This has to take into account the max literal size restriction in
 GemStone's compiler.  It still may fail if the content string is
 too large or has too many syntactically significant characters in it."

In your case the content string is too large ... I will submit a bug for
this, but if you use the passivate/activate messages directly you should be
able to avoid the storeOn: bug ..

Thanks for the report,


On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 2:55 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink <
sebastian_heidbrink at yahoo.de> wrote:

>  Hi Dale,
>  just inspect the following snippet and check the last line of the
> storeString
>  | dict |
>    dict := Dictionary new.
>     1 to: 10000 do:[: each | dict at: each asString put: each].
>     dict storeString
> Sebastian
> Am 16.01.2014 14:25, schrieb Dale Henrichs:
> Could you provide the expression that you used to produce the output. When
> I used passivate:
>    | str |
>   str := WriteStream on: String new.
>   PassiveObject passivate: #(1 2 3) toStream: str.
>   {(str contents).
>   ((PassiveObject newWithContents: str contents) activate)}
>  I didn't get the same output as you.
>  Dale
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink <
> sebastian_heidbrink at yahoo.de> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I just tried to store some of my complex UserGLobals in a storeString.
>> The output looks like this:
>> (PassiveObject newWithContents: (String new addAll:
>> '^610^RcIdentityBag(967 /"" ....... '; yourself $) activate
>> but
>> (PassiveObject newWithContents: (String new addAll:
>> '^610^RcIdentityBag(967 /"" ....... '; yourself )) activate
>> is right.
>> The difference is "))" instead of "$)" in the end.
>> Cheers!
>> Sebastian
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