[Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Thu Jan 23 04:02:07 PST 2014


> Ciao,
>> Ciao, 
>>> Dario,
>>> Yes, trying to do a seaside callback inside the exception is a use case that has not been tested in GemStone, so I am not surpirsed that it causes a nasty problem...
>>> Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of different approaches:
>>>   - given that it may take time for the print connection to succeed, I'd replace the
>>>     Delay loop with a call to a sevice vm that way the seaside gem is not blocked
>>>     while waiting for the print job to be handled
>> 	what service ?

	Any indication about it, for not block the gem ?

>>>   - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can 
>>>     avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
>>>     set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
>>>     code following the exception might work as well ...
>> 	How i can open a pop up when exception occured ?
>> 	Anyone has an example about it ?
>>> There might be other approaches as well...

I complete extrapolate the iqDialog from on: do:  exception :

		stampaok:= false.
		erroreTcpIP := false.
		[ stampaok]  whileFalse:[ 
			stampaok := true.
			erroreTcpIP ifTrue:[ self jqDialog: ( DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: exRef
																onModel: dcmModel)
										title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'. ].
			 [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
				 on: PrinterError do: [:ex | 	exRef := ex .	
									erroreTcpIP := true.	
									stampaok := false.
									ex return: false. ].

Now the while loop work fine.



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