[Glass] Request for MFC gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is voting, waiting for promote dead

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jan 27 11:31:53 PST 2014


It's also possible that the gclock is being held onto because of the
database corruption you reported earlier ...

We have a couple of options for recovering your data, so hang tight while
our guys take a look...


On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> John,
> If you are using the standard matinenance vm script, then an mfc is kicked
> off immediately, which could explain the gc lock ...
> Between the stone log and admingcgem log we should be able to figure out
> what's up...
> Dale
> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 10:33 PM, John McIntosh <
> johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com> wrote:
>> Was trying to setup a backup/cleanup script...
>> Say
>> # do backup
>> topaz -l -T 50000 << EOF
>> set gemstone seaside
>> set username DataCurator
>> login
>> xxxxxxxxxxx
>> output push backup.out
>> errorCount
>> send SystemRepository markForCollection
>> send SystemRepository objectAudit
>> send SystemRepository startNewLog
>> run
>> SystemRepository fullBackupCompressedTo:
>>  '/opt/gemstone/backups/backup-' ,
>>  (DateTime now asSeconds // 60) printString.
>> %
>> logout
>> errorCount
>> exit
>> EOF
>> # cleanup backups
>> But usually this results in:
>> topaz 1> topaz 1> -- Request for MFC gclock by session 15 denied, reason:
>> vote state is voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for MFC gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for MFC gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for MFC gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for MFC gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for MFC gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> ERROR 2501 , a Error occurred (error 2501), An operation that needs to
>> acquire the gcLock was not able to get the lock within a reasonable amount
>> of time. (Error)
>> topaz 1> topaz 1>
>> Object Audit: Audit successfully completed; no errors were detected.
>> true
>> topaz 1> topaz 1> 53
>> topaz 1> topaz 1> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied,
>> reason: vote state is voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> -- Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is
>> voting, waiting for promote dead
>> [Error]: Request for Backup gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote
>> state is voting, waiting for promote dead during a multi-threaded operation
>> ERROR 2734 , a RepositoryError occurred (error 2734), Request for Backup
>> gclock by session 15 denied, reason: vote state is voting, waiting for
>> promote dead (RepositoryError)
>> topaz 1> topaz 1>
>> [Info]: Logging out at 01/25/2014 06:29:09 UTC
>> For a while now I've had
>> However I set that to false and restarted the stone and still end usually
>> with the same problem.
>> Clues are welcome
>> --
>> ===========================================================================
>> John M. McIntosh <johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com>
>> Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd. Twitter: squeaker68882
>> ===========================================================================
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