[Glass] FindFreeFrame: potential infinite loop

pieter at nagel.co.za pieter at nagel.co.za
Wed Jul 16 00:32:18 PDT 2014

A Topaz session on a staging server just suffered the following error:

potential infinite loop at 07/16/2014 07:49:17 SAST
FindFreeFrame: found free page and exited loop at 07/16/2014 07:50:21 SAST
(64 seconds)
FindFreeFrame: potential infinite loop at 07/16/2014 07:50:31 SAST
FindFreeFrame: found free page and exited loop at 07/16/2014 07:52:36 SAST
(125 seconds)
FindFreeFrame: potential infinite loop at 07/16/2014 07:52:46 SAST
FindFreeFrame: found free page and exited loop at 07/16/2014 08:09:40 SAST
(1014 seconds)

[Info]: Logging out at 07/16/2014 08:09:45 SAST
GemStone: Error         Fatal
Your GemStone session has been forcibly terminated, , stone shutting
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4059  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20
exception : 20
Arg 1: 20

The symbol gem, and all our other logged in gems also logged about
"FindFreeFrame: potential infinite loop" at the same time.

Any advice on hunting this down?

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