[Glass] CPointer and a question

itlists at schrievkrom.de itlists at schrievkrom.de
Tue Jun 3 06:34:59 PDT 2014

Assuming the following code:

I would like to have a pointer to a 4 bytes long area:

CPointer newFrom: (CByteArray gcMalloc: 4)

but this does now work. It must be at least an 8 bytes long field:

CPointer newFrom: (CByteArray gcMalloc: 8)

Why ? Or do I not understand the semantic of newFrom: ? The name
indicates, that the content of the CByteArray is used.

But the description says:

"Return a new instance of CPointer which is a reference to body
 of a CByteArray."

(Ubuntu 14.04LTS, Gemstone/S 3.2)

Marten Feldtmann

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