[Glass] Load Seaside30 in GLASS

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Tue Jun 10 10:52:58 PDT 2014

I resubmit the command:

	GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [
  Metacello new
   configuration: 'Pier3AddOns';
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    version: #stable;

the system erase the error:

	a MetacelloConflictingProjectError occurred (error 2710), Load Conflict between existing ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns 3.0.0 from http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository and ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns stable from http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository -  G/S[MeetingRoberta3106:5]

AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
MetacelloAllowConflictingProjectUpgrade >> defaultAction (envId 0)
AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloScriptEngine >> lookupProjectSpecFor: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloProjectRegistration class >> registrationForProjectSpec:ifAbsent:ifPresent: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloProjectRegistry >> registrationFor:ifPresent:ifAbsent: (envId 0)
AbstractDictionary >> at:ifPresent: (envId 0)
MetacelloProjectRegistry >> registrationFor:ifPresent:ifAbsent: (envId 0)
MetacelloProjectRegistration class >> registrationForProjectSpec:ifAbsent:ifPresent: (envId 0)
MetacelloScriptEngine >> lookupProjectSpecFor: (envId 0)
MetacelloScriptEngine >> handleLookupProjectSpecForLoad: (envId 0)
MetacelloLookupProjectSpecForLoad >> handleResolutionFor: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloScriptEngine >> handleNotificationsForAction: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> _executeHandler: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
MetacelloGenericProjectSpec >> load (envId 0)
MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec >> loadUsing:gofer: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: (envId 0)
Collection >> do: (envId 0)
MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
MetacelloLoaderPolicy >> pushLoadDirective:during: (envId 0)
MetacelloLoaderPolicy >> pushLinearLoadDirectivesDuring:for: (envId 0)
MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: (envId 0)
MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader >> load (envId 0)
MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader >> load (envId 0)
MetacelloMCVersion >> executeLoadFromArray: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
MetacelloPlatform >> do:displaying: (envId 0)
MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
MetacelloMCVersion >> load (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloScriptEngine >> load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloScriptEngine >> handleNotificationsForAction: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
MetacelloScriptEngine >> handleNotificationsForAction: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloScriptEngine >> load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
MetacelloProjectRegistration class >> copyRegistryRestoreOnErrorWhile: (envId 0)
MetacelloScriptEngine >> load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: (envId 0)
MetacelloScriptEngine >> load: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloScriptExecutor >> execute: (envId 0)
[] in  MetacelloScriptApiExecutor >> executeString:do: (envId 0)
Collection >> do: (envId 0)
MetacelloScriptApiExecutor >> executeString:do: (envId 0)
String >> execute:against: (envId 0)
MetacelloScriptExecutor >> execute: (envId 0)
Metacello >> execute (envId 0)
Metacello >> load (envId 0)
[] in  Executed Code  (envId 0)
[] in  GsDeployer >> deploy: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
[] in  GsDeployer >> deploy: (envId 0)
[] in  MCPlatformSupport class >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
MCPlatformSupport class >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: (envId 0)
[] in  GsDeployer >> mcPlatformSupportDo: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
GsDeployer >> mcPlatformSupportDo: (envId 0)
GsDeployer >> deploy: (envId 0)
GsDeployer class >> bulkMigrate: (envId 0)
Executed Code           
String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)

Any idea ?



> I changed it. 
> It was breaking my load scripts here as well...
> The latest version should at least not yield a compiler error now.
> Johan
> On 10 Jun 2014, at 19:31, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Now the error is that it is using a symbol that does not compile in GemStone:
>>  #pharo4.x
>> needs to be in GemStone:
>>  #'pharo4.x'
>> I'm reluctant to make any changes at this minute because Stephan might still be making changes ... you should try explicitly loading ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.148 into your image and then try doing a load ... the broken configuration was committed this morning at 2:36 in someones timezone:) which probably did not help you in your attempts to load ...
>> Dale
>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Dario,
>> I looks like someone is actively changing the ConfiburationOfSeaside3. ConfigurationOfSeaside3-StephanEggermont.150 no longer has that compile error in it .. but I am still getting errors in trying to load into GemStone ...
>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Well, that is a configuration that cannot be loaded into GemStone ... some one apparently tried to comment out a symbol:
>>  #"pharo3.x" 
>> and that does not compile in gemstone ... surprised that it compiles in pharo ... but it does..
>> I'll see if I can find and repair the configuration ...
>> Dale
>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Dario Trussardi <dario.trussardi at tiscali.it> wrote:
>> Dale,
>> 	see the compile error:
>> 	Dario
>>> Dale,
>>>> Dario,
>>> i resubmit the command:
>>> GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [
>>>  Metacello new
>>>    configuration: 'Pier3AddOns';
>>>    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>    version: #stable;
>>>    load.
>>> ].
>>> The system answer:
>>> 	a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, Compile error in Class: #'ConfigurationOfSeaside3' method:    version3102: spec
>>>           <version: '' imports: #('3.1.0-baseline' )>
>>>           spec for: #'common' do: [
>>>                   spec blessing: #'release'.
>>>                   spec author: 'StephanEggermont'.
>>>                   spec timestamp: '2014-04-07'.
>>>                   spec 
>>>                           project: 'Grease' with: #'release1.1';
>>>                           project: 'Grease Core Tests' with: #'release1.1';
>>>                           project: 'SPort2' with: '2.33';
>>>                           project: 'Swazoo2' with: #'stable';
>>>                           project: 'Zinc Project' with: #'stable'.
>>>                   spec 
>>>                           package: 'Seaside-Canvas' with: 'Seaside-Canvas-pmm.127';
>>>                           package: 'Seaside-Component' with: 'Seaside-Component-pmm.101';
>>>                           package: 'Seaside-Core' with: 'Seaside-Core-pmm.808'; -  G/S[MeetingRoberta3106:5]
>>> 	The relative stack is:
>>> AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
>>> AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
>>> Object >> error: (envId 0)
>> 'Compile error in Class: #''ConfigurationOfSeaside3'' method:    version3102: spec
>>           <version: '''' imports: #(''3.1.0-baseline'' )>
>>           spec for: #''common'' do: [
>>                   spec blessing: #''release''.
>>                   spec author: ''StephanEggermont''.
>>                   spec timestamp: ''2014-04-07''.
>>                   spec 
>>                           project: ''Grease'' with: #''release1.1'';
>>                           project: ''Grease Core Tests'' with: #''release1.1'';
>>                           project: ''SPort2'' with: ''2.33'';
>>                           project: ''Swazoo2'' with: #''stable'';
>>                           project: ''Zinc Project'' with: #''stable''.
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Canvas'' with: ''Seaside-Canvas-pmm.127'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Component'' with: ''Seaside-Component-pmm.101'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Core-pmm.808'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Development'' with: ''Seaside-Development-pmm.163'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Email'' with: ''Seaside-Email-pmm.25'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Environment'' with: ''Seaside-Environment-pmm.81'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Examples'' with: ''Seaside-Examples-pmm.24'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Flow'' with: ''Seaside-Flow-pmm.24'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-InternetExplorer'' with: ''Seaside-InternetExplorer-pmm.7'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-RenderLoop'' with: ''Seaside-RenderLoop-JohanBrichau.95'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Session'' with: ''Seaside-Session-pmm.168'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tools-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Tools-Core-pmm.23'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tools-Web'' with: ''Seaside-Tools-Web-pmm.118'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Widgets'' with: ''Seaside-Widgets-pmm.33'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Canvas'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Canvas-pmm.64'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Component'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Component-pmm.36'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Core-pmm.272'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Development'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Development-pmm.45'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Email'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Email-pmm.18'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Environment'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Environment-pmm.30'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Examples'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Examples-pmm.11'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Flow'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Flow-pmm.37'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Functional'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Functional-pmm.156'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-InternetExplorer'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-InternetExplorer-lr.9'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-RenderLoop'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-RenderLoop-lr.13'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Session'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Session-pmm.72'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Tools-Web'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Tools-Web-pmm.23'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-UTF8'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-UTF8-pmm.14'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Core-pmm.95'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Tests-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Tests-Core-pmm.71'';
>>                           package: ''JQuery-Core'' with: ''JQuery-Core-pmm.128'';
>>                           package: ''JQuery-Tests-Core'' with: ''JQuery-Tests-Core-pmm.138'';
>>                           package: ''JQuery-JSON'' with: ''JQuery-JSON-pmm.1'';
>>                           package: ''JQuery-Tests-JSON'' with: ''JQuery-Tests-JSON-pmm.1'';
>>                           package: ''JQuery-UI'' with: ''JQuery-UI-pmm.88'';
>>                           package: ''JQuery-Tests-UI'' with: ''JQuery-Tests-UI-pmm.85'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-FileSystem'' with: ''Seaside-FileSystem-JohanBrichau.27'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-FileSystem'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-FileSystem-JohanBrichau.14'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-JSON-Core'' with: ''Seaside-JSON-Core-pmm.23'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-JSON'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-JSON-pmm.11'';
>>                           package: ''RSS-Core'' with: ''RSS-Core-pmm.69'';
>>                           package: ''RSS-Tests-Core'' with: ''RSS-Tests-Core-lr.30'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-REST-Core'' with: ''Seaside-REST-Core-pmm.52'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-REST-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-REST-Core-JohanBrichau.31'';
>>                           package: ''RSS-Examples'' with: ''RSS-Examples-pmm.27'';
>>                           package: ''Zinc-Seaside'' with: ''Zinc-Seaside-SvenVanCaekenberghe.40'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Swazoo'' with: ''Seaside-Swazoo-pmm.20'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Adaptors-Swazoo'' with: ''Seaside-Adaptors-Swazoo-pmm.44'';
>>                           package: ''Comet-Core'' with: ''Comet-Core-pmm.55'';
>>                           package: ''Comet-Tests-Core'' with: ''Comet-Tests-Core-lr.11'';
>>                           package: ''Comet-Examples'' with: ''Comet-Examples-pmm.26'';
>>                           package: ''Prototype-Core'' with: ''Prototype-Core-pmm.28'';
>>                           package: ''Prototype-Tests-Core'' with: ''Prototype-Tests-Core-pmm.17'';
>>                           package: ''Scriptaculous-Core'' with: ''Scriptaculous-Core-pmm.105'';
>>                           package: ''Scriptaculous-Tests-Core'' with: ''Scriptaculous-Tests-Core-pmm.63'';
>>                           package: ''Scriptaculous-Components'' with: ''Scriptaculous-Components-pmm.114'';
>>                           package: ''Scriptaculous-Tests-Components'' with: ''Scriptaculous-Tests-Components-pmm.42'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Welcome'' with: ''Seaside-Welcome-pmm.47'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Welcome'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Welcome-lr.6''. ].
>>           spec for: #''gs3.x'' do: [
>>                   spec
>>                           baseline:''Seaside3'' with: [ spec  repository: ''github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository'' ];
>>                           import: ''Seaside3'' 
>>            ].
>>           spec for: #''squeakCommon'' do: [
>>                   spec
>>                           project: ''WebClient Project'' with:  ''1.5''.
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''WebClient-Seaside'' with: ''WebClient-Seaside-ar.10'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Canvas'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Canvas-pmm.4'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Canvas'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Canvas-pmm.1'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Continuation'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Continuation-lr.5'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Development'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Development-JohanBrichau.66'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Environment'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Environment-lr.6'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Flow'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Flow-lr.5'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Continuation'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Continuation-pmm.9'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Development'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Development-JohanBrichau.33'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Email'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Email-pmm.1'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Functional'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Functional-pmm.15'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-JSON-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-JSON-Core-pmm.2'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-JSON-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-JSON-Core-pmm.1'';
>>                           package: ''Comet-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Comet-Pharo-Core-lr.6''. ].
>>           spec for: #(#''squeak'' #''pharo1.x'' ) do: [
>>                   spec project: ''OB'' with: #''stable''.
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-Web'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-Web-pmm.49'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Core-pmm.23'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Core-pmm.30'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Functional'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Functional-pmm.15'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Email'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Email-pmm.16'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-REST-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-REST-Core-pmm.7'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser-lr.7'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tools-OmniBrowser'' with: ''Seaside-Tools-OmniBrowser-pmm.29'' ].
>>           spec for: #''pharo1.x'' do: [
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Slime'' with: ''Seaside-Slime-pmm.85'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Slime'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Slime-pmm.44'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Pharo-Core-JohanBrichau.12'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core-lr.1'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Adaptors-Comanche'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Adaptors-Comanche-pmm.15'' ].
>>           spec for: #''pharo2.x'' do: [
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Tools-Web'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Tools-Web-JohanBrichau.3'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Core-pmm.3'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo20-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo20-Core-pmm.4'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Email'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Email-pmm.16'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo20-REST-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo20-REST-Core-JohanBrichau.2'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-Spec'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-Spec-pmm.9'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Pharo20-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Pharo20-Core-JohanBrichau.4'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core-lr.1''. ].
>>           spec for: #(#''pharo3.x'' #pharo4.x) do: [
>> *                                        ^1^2                        *******
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Tools-Web'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Tools-Web-JohanBrichau.3'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo20-Core-pmm.3'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo20-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Pharo20-Core-pmm.4'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Email'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Email-pmm.16'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo20-REST-Core'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo20-REST-Core-JohanBrichau.2'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-Spec'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Tools-Spec-pmm.9'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Pharo20-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Pharo20-Core-JohanBrichau.4'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core-lr.1''. ].
>>           spec for: #''pharo'' do: [
>>                   spec 
>>                           project: ''Grease Slime'' with: #''release1.1'';
>>                           project: ''Grease Slime Tests'' with: #''release1.1''.
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche'' with: ''Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche-pmm.79'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Tests-Adaptors-Comanche'' with: ''Seaside-Tests-Adaptors-Comanche-pmm.15'';
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Pharo-Welcome'' with: ''Seaside-Pharo-Welcome-NickAger.2''. ].
>>           spec for: #''squeak'' do: [
>>                   spec 
>>                           package: ''Seaside-Squeak-Welcome'' with: ''Seaside-Squeak-Welcome-NickAger.1'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Pharo-Core-JohanBrichau.12'';
>>                           package: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core'' with: ''Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core-lr.1''. ].
>> 1: [1013] expected a right parenthesis
>> 2: [1034] unexpected token
>>> Need other informations ?
>>> 	Dario
>>>> I need to see the logs from your failed attempts ... Metacello produces voluminous logging information ... so I suspect that the clues as to what is going wrong is in the logs ...
>>>> The compile error in your second run means there must be some sort of problem in ConfigurationOfSeaside3 (the fact that a compile error is coming from the spec for is why I want to get away from the class based configurations...)
>>>> I suspect that one or more Monticello repository sites are down or slow to respond but without stacks and logging information I can only guess...
>>>> Dale
>>>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Dario Trussardi <dario.trussardi at tiscali.it> wrote:
>>>> Dale
>>>>> Dario,
>>>>> Johan's expression uses `ConfigurationofSeaside` and you are using `ConfigurationOfSeaside30` these are two completely different configurations ...
>>>> 	If i not wrong i used ConfigurationOfSeaside30 because i need to load not last stable version, but 3.0.8 version
>>>> 	Into GLASS ( a valid environment ) the 	ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project currentVersion 		report:		 >=3.0.8 [ConfigurationOfSeaside30]
>>>>> Have you tried loading things based on my suggestion using GsDeployer and the Metacello load api?
>>>> I follow your indication:
>>>> 	GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [
>>>>  Metacello new
>>>>    configuration: 'Pier3AddOns';
>>>>    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>>    version: #stable;
>>>>    load.
>>>> ].
>>>> 	but i found some problems.
>>>> 	i do some test starting whenever from clear GLASS.
>>>> 	1) The first time the system work for some minutes, but when end ( without error )  none package is found in the GLASS
>>>> 	2) The second time the system work for eight minutes and after erase the error: 	
>>>> 		a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, Compile error in Class: #'ConfigurationOfSeaside3' method:    version3102: spec
>>>>           <version: '' imports: #('3.1.0-baseline' )>
>>>> 	3) the third time the system work for more 50 minutes and other.
>>>> 		After i interup the command.
>>>> This is all, for now,
>>>> 	Dario
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Dario Trussardi <dario.trussardi at tiscali.it> wrote:
>>>>> Ciao Johan,
>>>>>> For what it's worth: I'm pretty sure you can still load ConfigurationOfSeaside3 in GLASS without the Metacello preview constructs.
>>>>>> The following works if you have GLASS 1.0-beta.9
>>>>>        My  GemTools  when open the new         report  GLASS 1.0-beta.9
>>>>>> (ConfigurationOfSeaside project version: #stable) load
>>>>> I do this commmand:
>>>>>        A) Gofer it
>>>>>                squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>>>                package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';
>>>>>                load.
>>>>>        B) (ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: #stable) load
>>>>>        But after some times the system answer:
>>>>>                Error: VM temporary object memory is full
>>>>>                        , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful scavenge
>>>>>        Your indication is same of my hold notes when i setup ,  in it i load all ( Seaside30 - Magritte - Pier )
>>>>>        with only the command :
>>>>>        A)      Gofer it
>>>>>                        squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>>>                        package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';
>>>>>                        load
>>>>>        B)      ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns load
>>>>> Now what i can do to manage the  VM temporary object memory is full.
>>>>> I need to setup some parameters?
>>>>>        Thanks for any indications,
>>>>>        Dario
>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>> On 10 Jun 2014, at 15:11, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> The "a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a MetacelloVersionConstructor does not understand  #'baseline:with:' -  G/S[MeetingRoberta3106:5]" is occurring because you are not using the new Metacello driver:
>>>>>>> GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [
>>>>>>> Metacello new
>>>>>>>   configuration: 'fPier3AddOns';
>>>>>>>   squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>>>>>   version: '???';
>>>>>>>   load: #('??').
>>>>>>> ].
>>>>>>> Seaside and other projects have started using features that are only present when the new loading form is used ...
>>>>>>> Gofer Project is a predecessor to the new Metacello loading form ... not sure what the error is there ...
>>>>>>> I should probably delete all of the wiki pages on the ttps://code.google.com/p/glassdb site, but there are links from all of my blog posts and other places that would be broken, but then I should probably delete all of the blog posts, too because they contain obsolete instructions as well ... so I can't do that ... if I am going to rewrite the posts instead the changes I make should refer to tODE ... wait you aren't using tODE yet...
>>>>>>> All I can do is apologize...
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 5:43 AM, Dario Trussardi <dario.trussardi at tiscali.it> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>>       i do some test.
>>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>>>     i have a new GLASS image where i need to load **** Seaside30 - Magritte - Pier Package,
>>>>>>>>     In GLASS i load all from Gemtools ( without error )  with the command:
>>>>>>>>     A)      Gofer it
>>>>>>>>             squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>>>>>>             package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';
>>>>>>>>             load
>>>>>>>>     B)      ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns load
>>>>>>>>     Now when i do B into new GLASS the system erase the error:
>>>>>>>>                     Error: VM temporary object memory is full
>>>>>>>>                     , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful scavenge
>>>>>>>>     Can anyone suggest the best method to load All   ***
>>>>>>> A) i load Seaside30 with the command:
>>>>>>>       MCPlatformSupport commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: [
>>>>>>>   ConfigurationOfMetacello project updateProject.
>>>>>>>   ConfigurationOfMetacello loadLatestVersion.
>>>>>>>   Gofer project load: 'Seaside30'.
>>>>>>>        ].
>>>>>>> B1) After A when i do:
>>>>>>>               ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns load
>>>>>>>       the system answer:
>>>>>>> a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a MetacelloVersionConstructor does not understand  #'baseline:with:' -  G/S[MeetingRoberta3106:5]
>>>>>>> MessageNotUnderstood >> defaultAction (envId 0)
>>>>>>> AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Object >> doesNotUnderstand: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Object >> _doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  ConfigurationOfSeaside3 >> baseline311gemstone: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloAbstractVersionConstructor >> with:during: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> specResolverBlock (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> specResolverBlock (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> specResolverBlock (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> collectAllVersionsFromVersionPragmasInto:using: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> collectAllVersionsFromVersionPragmasInto:using: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Dictionary >> keysAndValuesDo: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloVersionConstructor >> collectAllVersionsFromVersionPragmasInto:using: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloVersionConstructor >> calculate:project: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloVersionConstructor >> on:project: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloVersionConstructor >> on:project: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloVersionConstructor class >> on:project: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ConfigurationOfSeaside3 >> project (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCProjectSpec >> projectClassProject (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCProjectSpec >> version (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCProjectSpec >> versionOrNil (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCProjectSpec >> versionOrNil (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec >> versionOrNil (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> isPartiallyCurrentAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec >> projectDo:packageDo:groupDo: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> specsNamed:projectDo:packageDo:groupDo: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> specsNamed:projectDo:packageDo:groupDo: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> isPartiallyCurrentAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloProject >> currentVersionAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloProject >> currentVersionAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloProject >> currentVersionAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCProjectSpec >> relativeCurrentVersion (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec >> relativeCurrentVersion (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> isPartiallyCurrentAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec >> projectDo:packageDo:groupDo: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> specsNamed:projectDo:packageDo:groupDo: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> specsNamed:projectDo:packageDo:groupDo: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> isPartiallyCurrentAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersionSpec >> isPartiallyCurrent (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloProject >> currentVersionAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloProject >> currentVersionAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloProject >> currentVersionAgainst: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloProject >> currentVersion (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> stackCacheFor:at:doing: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloProject >> currentVersion (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCProjectSpec >> compareCurrentVersion:targetVersionStatus:using: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader >> load (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Collection >> do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader >> load (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersion >> executeLoadFromArray: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloPlatform >> do:displaying: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MetacelloMCVersion >> load (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns class >> load (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Executed Code
>>>>>>> String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
>>>>>>> B2) if i do:
>>>>>>>       MCPlatformSupport commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: [
>>>>>>>         ConfigurationOfMetacello project updateProject.
>>>>>>>         ConfigurationOfMetacello loadLatestVersion.
>>>>>>>         Gofer project load: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns'.
>>>>>>>         ].
>>>>>>>       the system answer:
>>>>>>> a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, Project not found -  G/S[MeetingRoberta3106:5]
>>>>>>> AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Object >> error: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  GoferProjectLoader >> findRepositoryContaining: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> SequenceableCollection >> detect:ifNone: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> GoferProjectLoader >> findRepositoryContaining: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> GoferProjectLoader >> findOrCreateProject: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> GoferProjectLoader >> load:version:group: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> GoferProjectLoader >> load:version: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> GoferProjectLoader >> load: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  Executed Code  (envId 0)
>>>>>>> [] in  MCPlatformSupport class >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> MCPlatformSupport class >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> Executed Code
>>>>>>> String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
>>>>>>> GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
>>>>>>>       where projectString is set to:  ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns
>>>>>>> Thanks for any considerations.
>>>>>>>       Dario
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