[Glass] Refrence to anObject

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Thu Jun 12 06:37:43 PDT 2014


	i have a GLASS  repository where i store some data.

	Now i need do clear the repository, but i have some instances for which i don't  " know  " the pointer on it.

	I can use 	NameOf Class	allInstances    to define all relative instances.

	Now my questions are:

	A)	there is way to define  the object  that reference a given object?

	B) if i have an object with an istance variable ( call dictionaryA )  set to a  Dictionary  ( which have some asssociations )

		and i reset the the dictionaryA to:  	 Dictionary new

		it is sufficient to have the "domino"  effects relative to the hold associations?

	Thanks for any considerations.


	P.S. Where i can found a valid explanation about garbage collection of the instances ?

	I write some code but i don't considered this problematic.	Now it's time for it

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