[Glass] Install tODE

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Wed Jun 18 06:57:36 PDT 2014


> obsolete instructions as well ... so I can't do that ... if I am going to rewrite the posts instead the changes I make should refer to tODE ... wait you aren't using tODE yet...

i'm interested to understand and work with tODE and i follow the: 		webEditionHome/docs/install/gettingStartedWithTode.md

I download the tODE_0.0.3-p1.4

	and the testLogin answer :

 'Stone            : !TCP at meeting001#server!roberta
Stone host       : meeting001
GemStone version :
cpu kind         : x86_64
GLASS version    : >=1.0-beta.9 [ConfigurationOfGLASS]
Metacello version: >=1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello]
GLASS1 not installed
Tode not installed

After when i do:	  tODE install		 on the server the system answer:
	tode 1 > script --script=installTode
	Topez ERROR: Error: Unable to log into server:a MetacelloPackageSpecResolutionError occurred (error 2710)
	tode 1 > 	

The Transcript report:

Project: Announcements 0.240.1 [0.243]
Project: XML Parser 1.0.5 [1.1.8]
Project: XML-Writer 1.0.4 [1.0.5]
Project: Grease Core 1.0.3 [1.0.9]
Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.241.1
Project: SMTPMail 0.241.1
Project: UTF8 0.241.1
Project: Change-Notification 0.241
Project: Monticello 0.243
Project: Metacello Tools 1.0-beta.32
Project: FileTree 1.0.1
Project: GsMonticello 0.244.2
Project: Gofer
Project: OmniBrowser stable
Project: Gofer Project Loader 1.0-alpha2.2
Project: Gofer Core
Project: OB 0.242.1
Project: Release Support 0.243
Project: Grease
Project: SqueakCommon 0.9.4
Project: Grease
Evaluated -> 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistryFor10beta32
Evaluated -> 1.0-beta.32 [ConfigurationOfMetacello] >> metacelloPrimeRegistryFor10beta32
Evaluated -> 1.0-alpha2.2 [ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader] >> postLoadLoader
...finished 1.0-beta.9.1
	No instance migrations performed.
-----Upgrading Metacello to issue_238 branch ... tODE needs the bugfixes in that branch
gofer repository error: 'GoferRepositoryError: file is too short'...ignoring

Any considerations?

I need to follow the instructions by 		Tode shell 		help   	command  ?

The other Tode shell  command  answer:

	tode 1 > project list
	Topez ERROR: Error: Unable to log into server:a CompileError occurred (error 1001), compilation errors -- parameter 1 is error descriptor

	tode 1 > man --all
	Topez ERROR: ValueNotFound: value Transcript not found in WeakValueDictionary

	Thanks in advanced, 

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