[Glass] Loading Seaside into GS3.2

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Fri Jun 20 18:35:05 PDT 2014

could you give me the version of the ConficurationOfGsOB mcz file that you
are using? If you've got it I'd also like to get the version of GsOB that
you're trying to load (should be in the Transcript right before the

I'm only cleaning up the versions that are being hit to save me editing
time ...

If you could give the version of Seaside that you're trying to load into
GemStone 3.2 that'd help me figure out where to look ... the load
expression that you're using would be best I think ... there are copies of
configurations all over the place ... Unfortunately for me, it seems that I
can access seaside.gemstone.com again, so I don't have the advantage of
actually getting errors anymore ...


On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Jupiter Jones <jupiter.jones at mail.com>

> Hi All,
> Over the weekend the load of seaside into 3.2 (and maybe others) stopped
> working with the error:
> --transcript--'...FAILED->Seaside-GemStone-Tools-OmniBrowser'
> ERROR 2710 , a MetacelloPackageSpecResolutionError occurred (error 2710)
> (MetacelloPackageSpecResolutionError)
> I noticed that ConfigurationOfGsOB still refers to seaside.gemstone.com
> but haven’t looking into if that’s the issue :)
> Cheers,
> J
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