[Glass] Problem loading Magritte3 / Seaside3 in GemSone
Johan Brichau
johan at yesplan.be
Fri May 2 11:01:51 PDT 2014
If you tried earlier, I now really fixed the load (Travis told me it was not working, though I had a clean load locally...). Travis is loading the Filesystem package just fine and the tests are green as well. It seems all that was missing to make it work was fixing the configuration and the missing dependencies.
I also tried using the ConfigurationOfSeaside3 directly and that works too. I think I fixed the last bits by also mirroring the Gemstone-specific packages for Grease in the Smalltalkhub repository.
I vaguely recall that also loading those from github was going to be too much of a hassle changing all the configurations.
Perhaps to only problem still is that #stable is marked as 3.0.10 for Gemstone rather than 3.1.1.
I think we are ready to fix 3.1.1 for all platforms though. So, let me check that next...
In the meantime, let me know if the load works for you.
Do you also still have the original problem loading 'Core' ?
On 02 May 2014, at 18:25, Johan Brichau <johan at yesplan.be> wrote:
> Mariano,
> I committed a new BaselineOfSeaside3 that allows to load the FileSystem group in Gemstone.
> At least, that should get you passed that loading problem. I tried and I can now load it just fine.
> However, if Magritte really needs the Filesystem package, we will need to make it work in Gemstone. I guess it should not be too difficult and there has been another discussion that raised issues with the same package [1]. So I will take a look ;-)
> [1] http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/seaside/2014-April/030833.html
> On 02 May 2014, at 17:06, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Johan Brichau <johan at yesplan.be> wrote:
>> Mariano,
>> I think this is because the loading of Seaside 3.1.1 for Gemstone is not entirely working via the ConfigurationOf.
>> I was nearly there though... I'll take a look asap..
>> Hi Johan,
>> Note that Magritte3 3.2 indeed does load 'Seaside3' with: '3.1.1'. Which causes the Filesystem issue.
>> However, Magritte 3.1.1 ("stable") loads Seaside '3.1.0' and causes a spec resolution error with Javascript-GemStone-Core. This one is "expected" as you said Seaside 3.1.0 does not work in GemStone.
>> So now we either have Magritte3 with an old version ('3.0.1') that brings Seaside 3.0.9 or.. should make 3.1.1 to work via ConfigurationOf as you suggest. My problem is that the first option is quite hard because even if in my conf I do refer to Seaside3 3.0.9 and Magritte3 3.0.1 I have other references to other projects that are likely to load Seaside ... so my code ends up trying to load new versions of seaside and Magritte and hence these errors :(
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Johan
>> On 02 May 2014, at 16:10, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks guys. I started again, clean gemstone. The only thing I previously installed was Metacello and GLASS1. Executing:
>>> Gofer it
>>> url: 'http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Magritte/Magritte3/main';
>>> package: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
>>> load.
>>> (ConfigurationOfMagritte3 project version: '3.2') load: #('Core' 'Tests' 'Seaside').
>>> Yields the Seaside-FileSystem problem.
>>> I though OK, it may be broken (since 3.2 is the very last problem). So then I tried loading '3.1.1' which is the "stable" one. Now I get another spec resolution problem with Javascript-GemStone-Core. If I load version '3.0.1' which was the only I have in my original GemStone, it does work and load correctly with seaside 3.0.9. So I don't know...it looks like ConfigurationOfMagritte3 is quite broken for GemStone for newer versions.
>>> So I will try to see what can I find.
>>> Thank guys.
>>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 6:46 AM, Stephan Eggermont <stephan at stack.nl> wrote:
>>> Your xml support is suspicious.
>>> Stephan
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 1 mei 2014, at 22:03, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dale,
>>>> My configuration class has these 2 project references:
>>>> spec
>>>> project: 'Seaside' with: [
>>>> spec
>>>> className: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';
>>>> loads: #('Core' 'Zinc-Seaside' 'Javascript-Core' 'JQuery-Core');
>>>> file: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';
>>>> repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main' ].
>>>> spec
>>>> project: 'Magritte' with: [
>>>> spec
>>>> className: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
>>>> loads: #('Core' 'Tests' 'Seaside');
>>>> file: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
>>>> repository: 'http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Magritte/Magritte3/main' ].
>>>> I did a #record: of my project load and this is what I get:
>>>> Recording 1.5 of ConfigurationOfMyProjet...
>>>> Project: Seaside
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.131 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main ---http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.131 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main
>>>> --- cache []
>>>> Project: Grease release1.1
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfGrease-JohanBrichau.259 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main ---http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfGrease-JohanBrichau.259 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main ---http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main
>>>> [1.1.8]
>>>> Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: SMTPMail 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.245.2
>>>> Project: UTF8 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: Zinc Project stable
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents-SvenVanCaekenberghe.64 ---
>>>> http://mc.stfx.eu/ZincHTTPComponents --- http://mc.stfx.eu/ZincHTTPComponents
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents-SvenVanCaekenberghe.64 ---
>>>> http://mc.stfx.eu/ZincHTTPComponents --- http://mc.stfx.eu/ZincHTTPComponents
>>>> [2.4.3]
>>>> Project: Zinc baseline
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.247
>>>> Project: Bootstrap
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfBootstrap-TorstenBergmann.38 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/TorstenBergmann/Bootstrap/main/ ---http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/TorstenBergmann/Bootstrap/main/
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfBootstrap-TorstenBergmann.38 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/TorstenBergmann/Bootstrap/main/
>>>> --- cache [0.7.0]
>>>> Project: Seaside3 3.1.0
>>>> Project: Grease 1.1.5
>>>> Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: SMTPMail 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.245.2
>>>> Project: UTF8 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: Zinc Project stable [2.4.3]
>>>> Project: Zinc baseline
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.247
>>>> Project: Magritte
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfMagritte3-DiegoLont.85 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Magritte/Magritte3/main --- http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Magritte/Magritte3/main
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfMagritte3-DiegoLont.85 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Magritte/Magritte3/main
>>>> --- cache [3.1.3]
>>>> Project: Grease release1.1 [1.1.8]
>>>> Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: SMTPMail 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.245.2
>>>> Project: UTF8 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: Seaside3 release3.1 []
>>>> Project: Grease release1.1 [1.1.8]
>>>> Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: SMTPMail 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.245.2
>>>> Project: UTF8 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: Grease Core Tests release1.1 [1.1.8]
>>>> Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: SMTPMail 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.245.2
>>>> Project: UTF8 0.240.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: Zinc Project stable [2.4.3]
>>>> Project: Zinc baseline
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.247
>>>> Project: GsCore stable
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.242
>>>> Project: MockGemStone
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfMockGemStone-PaulDeBruicker.6 ---
>>>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MockGemStone --- http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MockGemStone
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfMockGemStone-PaulDeBruicker.6 ---
>>>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MockGemStone
>>>> --- cache [1.0]
>>>> Project: HighCharts
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfHighchartsSt-MarianoMartinezPeck.6 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Mercap/HighchartsSt/main --- http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Mercap/HighchartsSt/main
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfHighchartsSt-MarianoMartinezPeck.6 ---
>>>> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Mercap/HighchartsSt/main
>>>> --- cache [1.0-baseline]
>>>> Project: XMLSupport 1.2.2
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfXMLSupport-PaulDeBruicker.66 ---
>>>> http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository --- http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfXMLSupport-PaulDeBruicker.66 ---
>>>> http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository
>>>> --- cache
>>>> Project: XML-Writer 1.0.5
>>>> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfXMLWriter-StephaneDucasse.21 ---
>>>> http://www.squeaksource.com/XMLWriter --- http://www.squeaksource.com/XMLWriter
>>>> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfXMLWriter-StephaneDucasse.21 ---
>>>> http://www.squeaksource.com/XMLWriter --- http://www.squeaksource.com/XMLWriter
>>>> Project: Grease Core 1.0.3 []
>>>> Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.241.1
>>>> Project: Core 0.246 [0.247]
>>>> Project: XML Parser 1.0.5
>>>> Project: Grease Core 1.0-rc
>>>> Project: SMTPMail 0.241.1
>>>> Project: Core 0.246
>>>> Project: XML Parser 1.0.5
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.246.1
>>>> Project: UTF8 0.241.1
>>>> Project: Core 0.246
>>>> Project: XML Parser 1.0.5
>>>> Project: SIXX
>>>> Fetched -> BaselineOfSIXX-dkh.1 --- github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository --- github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository
>>>> Loaded -> BaselineOfSIXX-dkh.1 --- github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository --- github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository
>>>> Project: XMLSupport stable [1.2.2]
>>>> Project: XML-Writer 1.0.5
>>>> Project: Grease Core 1.0.3 []
>>>> Project: System-Digital-Signatures 0.241.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: XML Parser 1.0.5 [1.2.2]
>>>> Project: XML-Writer 1.0.5
>>>> Project: Grease Core 1.0.3
>>>> Project: SMTPMail 0.241.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: XML Parser 1.0.5
>>>> Project: GsCore 0.246.1
>>>> Project: UTF8 0.241.1 [0.242]
>>>> Project: Core 0.247
>>>> Project: XML Parser 1.0.5
>>>> ...finished 1.5
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>>> Mariano,
>>>> If it loaded before and no longer loads, then something has changed ... so that would be the first question ... sometimes configurations get changed out from under you...
>>>> It would help to see the Transcript of your load attempt and the workspace that you are using ... also version of GemStone/GLASS...
>>>> Dale
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys...
>>>> I don't know what is going on, but I cannot load Seaside3 and Magritte3 anymore in GemStone. It is hard to find the cause, but I am geting a " 'Core' Not Found". This is from ConfigurationOfMagritte3 >> baseline320CommonExtDeps:
>>>> Where it does:
>>>> ect: 'Seaside3'
>>>> with: [
>>>> "note: we do not want to depend on Zinc, since this is not present in Squeak. Currently no adapter is loaded"
>>>> spec
>>>> className: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';
>>>> versionString: '3.1.0';
>>>> loads: #('Core' 'Javascript' 'RSS' 'Filesystem' 'Welcome' );
>>>> repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main' ]
>>>> Note the 'Core' in #loads:.
>>>> What is funny is that ConfigurationOfSeaside version 3.1.0 does include a group called Core.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> --
>>>> Mariano
>>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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>>>> Mariano
>>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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>>> --
>>> Mariano
>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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