[Glass] WAApplications, WASession, WAExceptionFilter etc not being GCed unless gems down

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Wed May 7 09:48:21 PDT 2014

Hi guys.

I am cross-posting mailing lists since I am not sure where the problem is.
I have a script (actually some methods) that I execute each time I want to
"deploy" my app. Basically, it does some cleaning and set by root class as
a seaside app. The problem right now is that I have been calling this
script many times, but now I discover I still have lots of WAApplications
and sessions hanging around that should not be there. The app should be
registered only once, and I should have ONE instance of WAApplication with
my root class.

Same code DOES work in Pharo correctly. In GemStone, I have run the

| handlerNames |
handlerNames := WADispatcher default handlers collect: [ :each | each name
handlerNames do: [:each | WAAdmin unregister: each].
WAAdmin clearAll.
"GsDeployer new doBulkMigrate.
SystemRepository markForCollection."
WAAdmin defaultDispatcher handlers. "aDictionary( )"
WADispatcher default handlers. "aDictionary( )"

(MyWebSession allInstances collect: [:each | each continuations
expiryPolicy configuration at: #cacheTimeout ]) size " 12" .
(WAApplication allInstances select: [:each | (each preferenceAt:
#rootClass) name = #MyRootTask ]) size "16".

So as you can see I have 12 instances of MyWebSesison, 16 instances of
WAApplication etc. There was no way I can get rid of them. I even tried
executing #doBulkMigrate and #markForCollection.

Finally, I turned off the stone, start it again but do not start seaside
gems again, and execute the above code. Finally, it worked.

So my question is...is this expected? or should I be able to get the GCed
even without restarting the stone? In any case, do I have to kill all
seaside gems in order to have these GCed?

Thanks in advance,

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