[Glass] callbackMarker not found in Seaside stack

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Mon May 19 08:58:36 PDT 2014

... I'll have to read the c code that creates the partial continuations,
but IIRC we have to account for all of the frames on the stack that need to
be copied for the partial continuation and it seems that in this case we
have an off-by-one-error ... so nested blocks and temp arg references could
lead to different stack configurations ...

perhaps capturing the stack at the point the continue is created will give
us clues ...

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Otto Behrens <otto at finworks.biz> wrote:

> > In the broken case, it appears that you _are_ in the do loop that calls
> > evaluateWithFieldValues: (frame 66). The corresponding frame in the
> working
> > case is frame 54 ...
> Ok, can see that
> > It looks like the index of do loop is 2, so that implies that the either
> a)
> > the first callback was "corrupt" or b) the second callback was created
> > incorrectly ...
> I can't tell, will have to dig more
> > I would like to be able to see what the stack looked like when the second
> > callback was created ... Looking at the method source for the methods
> > involved in rendering the component would be a good place to start, since
> > there is likely something funky there...
> Ok, but that is not simple. There's some ajax involved and yes,
> funkiness there. It would be nice if I can show you...
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