[Glass] Metacello support

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Nov 8 05:21:50 PST 2014

Some new consideration

>>> I think that the real solution startes with getting my hands on the utf8 bytes and continuing that line of inquiry.
>>> 	Two other consideration:
>>> 		fileTree save from Pharo     is load into 	 GLASS Monticello 	without authorization problem.
>>> 		fileTree save from GLASS Monticello   can not load into Pharo.
>>> 			In th	is case the Pharo Monticello report for the package saved with GALSS Monticello : 	 fabricated from a Cypress format repository
>>> 			In the server GLASS Monticello   create the fileTree structures   without group authorization  and Pharo can't load it.

Now i open the DTRRepository volume on the server with     dario  as user profile    and i can  read the file without authorization problem.

>>> 		 How i can solve this ?  ( i can't change it directly each time )
>>> Ah okay, this is something new ... could you describe your setup again and/or in more detail? I want to know  know what os you are running for pharo and glass? Are they on the same machine? 
>> My configurations is based on local data network where i have two system:
>> 	a MacBook where run:	1) 	Pharo 1.4 for manage the code
>> 							2)  	Pharo 1.1 with GemTools Launcher - >=1.0-beta.8.7  for manage the GLASS repository
>> 	a server based on Ubuntu system where run GLASS   and the samba support for sharing the DTRRepository directory  ( where i save the fileTree files )
>>> What user you are running as for GLASS and Pharo?
>> The glass user is:		 dario
>> The MacBook link the server volume DTRRepository as:	  guest
> When from the MacBook i link the volume DTRRepository on the server  as:	  guest	 all work.
> After i login the volume DTRRepository on the server with specific  samba user  profile
> 	and in Monticello Pharo  i open the fileTree entry repository  the system generate the error:
> 	MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "pairsDo:" is nil

This error is generates because in the DTRRepository directory on the server, 	  the system found fileTree files with wrong authorizations.

After remove it from the server this problematic is solved.

I understand that permission issues are resolved

while  remains open the other problem.


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