[Glass] Zinc support

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Nov 22 03:10:20 PST 2014


	i port from Pharo to GLASS  some code based on   Zinc client,

	and i found some problem.

	Into Pharo i have a class 	ZnClient   with some instance method and all works fine.

	Into GLASS the same ZnClient  is without any instance method.

	I use the ZnHttpClient   but with some incompatibility  (  it's don't implement the	 path:  method  for example )

	The GLASS report: 

	name: 'ZincHTTPComponents';
	versionString: '1.1';
	loads: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
	repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/ZincHTTPComponents'.)

	I need to load a new version of Zinc?
	I can load:

	GsDeployer deploy: [
  Metacello new
    baseline: 'ZincHTTPComponents';
    repository: 'github://GsDevKit/zinc:gs_master/repository';
    onLock: [:ex | ex honor ];
    load: 'Tests' ].

	or a specific version ?



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