[Glass] Semaphore error

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Nov 29 05:15:06 PST 2014


	i work with Gemstone  environment.

	I need to manage a critical access ( not simultaneous use of the device ) to printer device.

	I define a  printer "data base " with 		accessSema   instance set to:

		^ accessSema ifNil:[ accessSema := Semaphore forMutualExclusion ]

	and a method :		critical: mutuallyExcludedBlock 

						^ self accessSema critical: mutuallyExcludedBlock 
But when i do the printer command with:

		 aPrinter  critical:[   

	the system answer:
a TransactionError occurred (error 2407), The object Semaphore(316884481) may not be committed, 'instances of its class are non-persistent'

	How i can manage a global critical access to the printer device ?

	Considerations ?


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