[Glass] problem with stone log and permissions :(

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Sep 18 19:57:17 PDT 2014

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Okay, there are several things going on here ... first off, we don't
> recommend that you have GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL set in your startstone environment
> ... in GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is not consistently applied and in 3.2.3
> and beyond the GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL will be ignored by the startstone command.
> We recommend that you use `-l` to set the log location for the stone, as
> you are doing...
> The GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL isn't directly involved, but it does tend to confuse
> things ...
Ok, I will remove it then.

> We haven't reproduced your problem here, but we believe that the problem
> is related to the fact that when you use `su username` the "current
> environment is passed to the new shell" and startstone is probably cd'ing
> to $HOME which is /home/marianopeck/.
Well..the strange thing is that BEFORE I run the startsone I source a file
with all the variables I export for that site. And one of the things I
export is:

export HOME=/somePath

I mean...I export $HOME to the correct place where the stone is and where
the user I then su do have access. So at the time I run:

su -m $RUNASUSER -c '$GEMSTONE_INSTALLATION/bin/startstone -z
$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/startup.log 2>&1 '

I must have (and I have just checked) the correct $HOME.

So I still don't understand why the startstone would try to read

> You should try using `su --login username` as the environment for the new
> shell is "similar to what the user would expect had the user logged in
> directly" and startstone will cd to the $HOME for `username`.
Yes, but I can't do that because otherwise I lost all the vars of the stone
I previously exported. If you see again:

su -m $RUNASUSER -c '$GEMSTONE_INSTALLATION/bin/startstone -z
$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/startup.log 2>&1 '

if I replace -m for a -l there...all those vars inside the -c will be gone.

Now...something I checked...if I fire this stone start scripts not in
/home/marianopeck but in /somePath (where the user that runs the stone has
access -? $RUNASUSER), then it works perfectly... But it is a pain having
to cd there in order to start the stone...

Any other idea?  maybe startstone is NOT reading $HOME but $PWD ?

Let's see how that works...
> Dale
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass <
> glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I am trying to be a bit more strict in file permissions for my stones.
>> When I now try to start a stone, I get this error:
>> startstone[Info]: GemStone version ''
>> startstone[Info]: Starting Stone repository monitor 'debrisTesting2'.
>> startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE is: '/opt/gemstone/product'.
>> startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is:
>> '#dir:/somePath/data#log:/somePath/log/%N%P.log'.
>> startstone[Info]:
>>     GEMSTONE_SYS_CONF=/somePath/etc/system.conf
>>     GEMSTONE_EXE_CONF=/somePath/etc/gem.conf
>>  _____________________________________________________________________________
>> |              ERROR:  chdir(/home/marianopeck/) failure:
>>     |
>> |       System Error:  errno=13,EACCES, Authorization failure (permission
>> denied)
>> |_____________________________________________________________________________|
>> startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=25917) has died.
>> startstone[Error]: Could not show end of log file '/somePath/log/log.txt'
>> because: errno=2,ENOENT, The file or directory specified cannot be found
>> So it looks like it cannot create '/somePath/log/log.txt'.
>> The stone is launched this way as part of a larger script.
>>   su  $RUNASUSER -c '$GEMSTONE_INSTALLATION/bin/startstone -z
>> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/startup.log 2>&1'
>> And then that script is invoked with sudo from my username marianopeck..
>> What I don't understand is why it cannot create the log and why it does a
>> "  chdir(/home/marianopeck/) "
>> Finally...if from comand line I do:
>> sudo su $RUNASUSER -c " touch '/somePath/log/log.txt' "
>> I can create it with no problem.
>> Any idea what could be happening?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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