[Glass] Comment of #newDay:monthNumber:year: is wrong (and I do not like the behavior either!)

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Aug 7 06:35:29 PDT 2015

Hi guys,

Just for the record, the comment of:

Date class >> newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year

*"*Creates and returns an instance of the receiver from the specified
* Generates an error if any of the values are out of range."*

Is wrong since it does not throws and error and instead shifts the day.

Date newDay: 31 monthNumber: 6 year: 2015   -> 07/01/2015   (June has only
30 days)

BTW... This is a frustrating behavior for me. Pharo would correctly throw a
DateError, but GemStone shifts and gives me back another date. This could
lead to problems quite hard to debug.


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