[Glass] Can I plug a custom transcript proxy for one closure execution?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Aug 7 13:50:48 PDT 2015

On 08/07/2015 01:09 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
> I think what I need is impossible to do...
> btw...*there is no way I can add a symbol dictionary to the symbolList 
> of the current user but only for the scope of the running gem?*
There are two symbol lists for a session available:

   GsSession currentSession userProfile symbolList. "persistent symbolList"
   GsSession currentSession symbolList.                   "transient 
copy of user's symbolList"

Changes made to the transient copy of the symbolList are not persisted 
on a commit.

> I know if I don't commit my changes will be only for current session. 
> But my background processes DO commit and so they would also commit 
> this change.
It occurs to me that there is an alternate solution. in 3.x, there are 
two method dictionaries associated with a class: a persistentMethodDict 
and a transientMethodDict. methods stashed in the transientMethodDict 
override those methods in the persistentMethodDict, but the 
transientMethodDict is not persisted and is session specific ...

So, if you arranged to compile a new version of TranscriptProxy 
class>>show: into the transientMethodDict, then you could effectively 
change the behavior for just the session even in the presence of commits.

For 3.3 I've created a set of methods that make if easy to install and 
remove individual transient methods, but to be honest there is some 
fairly convoluted logic involved and I'm not sure that the code would 
translate straight from 3.3 to without some work ...


Perhaps if you changed the method to be something like the following:

   show: anObject
     | proxy |
     (ObjectLogEntry transcript: anObject printString object: anObject) 
     (proxy := self proxyTranscript) ~~ nil
       ifTrue: [ proxy show: anObject ]
       ifFalse: [
         (GsSession currentSession symbolList objectNamed: #SkipLogging)
           ifNotNil: [ GsFile gciLogServer: '--transcript--' , anObject 
printString ] ]

And then in the gems where you want to skip tranlogging for the session, 
you do the following:

   | skipLoggingDict symbolList |
   skipLoggingDict := SymbolDictionary new.
   skipLoggingDict at: #'SkipLogging' put: Object new.
   symbolList := GsSession currentSession symbolList.
   symbolList add: skipLoggingDict before: UserGlobals

This code defines #'SkipLogging' in the transient symbol list so it is 
safe to commit ...

> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck 
> <marianopeck at gmail.com <mailto:marianopeck at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi guys,
>     This is the situation... I have some kind of background jobs that
>     are fired from seaside and they fork their own gem. From this
>     background jobs I can easily watch the log of the gem etc. One
>     example of this is for example, "Code Update". Problem is that a
>     simple Code Update via Metacello brings hundreds of entries in the
>     ObjectLog (each Transcript show: ). Same for my own background
>     jobs. And it's redundant for me to have them in both places, the
>     gem log AND the object log.
>     So..the code is:
>     TranscriptProxy class: show: anObject
>     | proxy |
>     *(ObjectLogEntry transcript: anObject printString object:
>     anObject) addToLog.*
>     (proxy := self proxyTranscript) ~~ nil
>     ifTrue: [ proxy show: anObject ]
>     ***ifFalse: [ GsFile gciLogServer: '--transcript--', anObject
>     printString ].*
>     The second line is how the thing gets written in the ObjectLog and
>     fifth line is how in the gem log file.
>     So... is there a way I can hook and say... for this closure
>     execution, bind "Transcript" to this MarianoProxyTranscript (this
>     class would only write to gem log for example).  I could do:
>     /Smalltalk at: #Transcript put: MarianoProxyTranscript./
>     /[/
>     /self executeCode/
>     /] ensure: [Smalltalk at: #Transcript put: TranscriptProxy.]/
>     But that will affect other users right? (assuming the execureCode
>     would do a commit at some point).
>     Once James said: "Here is one alternative to consider: When a
>     method is compiled you provide a SymbolList that identifies the
>     globals visible to the code being compiled."
>     Could I compile the closure with the binding specified for Transcript?
>     Thanks in advance,
>     -- 
>     Mariano
>     http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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