[Glass] Comment of #newDay:monthNumber:year: is wrong (and I do not like the behavior either!)
Dale Henrichs via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Aug 10 17:03:17 PDT 2015
Thanks Mariano,
It looks good. I've attached your patch to the internal bug .... I'll
let you know how things go ...
On 08/10/2015 03:46 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Date class compileMethod: ' numberOfDaysIn: month year: aYear
> ((month == 1) or: [(month == 3) or: [(month == 5) or: [(month == 7) or:
> [(month == 8) or: [(month == 10) or: [(month == 12)]]]]]])
> ifTrue: [^ 31].
> ((month == 4) or: [(month == 6) or: [(month == 9) or: [(month == 11)]]])
> ifTrue: [^ 30].
> (((aYear \\ 100) == 0)
> ifTrue: [ ((aYear \\ 400) == 0)]
> ifFalse: [ ((aYear \\ 4) == 0) ])
> ifTrue: [^ 29].
> ^ 28
> '
> dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
> category: 'Accessing'
> environmentId: 0.
> Date class compileMethod: '_newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year
> <primitive: 316>
> day _validateClass: SmallInteger .
> month _validateClass: SmallInteger .
> year _validateClass: SmallInteger .
> ^ self _primitiveFailed: #newDay:monthNumber:year:
> args: { day . month . year }
> '
> dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
> category: 'Instance Creation'
> environmentId: 0.
> Date class compileMethod: 'newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year
> (month between: 1 and: 12) ifFalse: [ self error: ''Incorrect
> specified month: '', month asString].
> (day between: 1 and: (self numberOfDaysIn: month year: year)) ifFalse:
> [ self error: ''Incorrect specified day: '', day asString].
> ^ self _newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year
> '
> dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
> category: 'Instance Creation'
> environmentId: 0.
> Date compileMethod: 'addMonths: anInteger
> "Returns a Date that describes a date anInteger months later than that
> of the
> receiver.
> This method attempts to keep the day of the month the same. If the
> new month has fewer days than the receiver''s original month, then it
> truncates to the last day of the new month."
> | yr month day newYear newMonth newDay newDate generatedDay |
> yr := self year.
> month := self month.
> day := self day.
> newMonth := month + anInteger.
> newYear := yr + ((newMonth - 1) // 12).
> newMonth := (newMonth - 1) \\ 12 + 1.
> newDate := self class _newDay: day monthNumber: newMonth year: newYear.
> generatedDay := newDate day.
> (generatedDay ~= day)
> ifTrue: [
> newDay := newDate _daysInMonth: newMonth.
> newDate := self class _newDay: newDay monthNumber: newMonth year:
> newYear
> ].
> ^ newDate.
> '
> dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
> category: 'Arithmetic'
> environmentId: 0.
> Date compileMethod: 'addYears: anInteger
> "Returns a Date that describes a date anInteger years later than that
> of the
> receiver."
> | yr month day newYear newDay newDate generatedDay |
> yr := self year.
> month := self month.
> day := self day.
> newYear := yr + anInteger.
> newDate := self class _newDay: day monthNumber: month year: newYear.
> generatedDay := newDate day.
> (generatedDay ~= day)
> ifTrue: [
> newDay := newDate _daysInMonth: month.
> newDate := self class _newDay: newDay monthNumber: month year: newYear
> ].
> ^ newDate.
> '
> dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
> category: 'Arithmetic'
> environmentId: 0.
> Date class compileMethod: 'newDay: day year: year
> "Creates and returns an instance of the receiver from the specified
> values.
> Generates an error if any of the values are out of range."
> ^ self _newDay: day monthNumber: 1 year: year.
> '
> dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
> category: 'Instance Creation'
> environmentId: 0.
> System commit.
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