[Glass] SysAdmin documentation - How to Shrink the Repository ... questions

itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sun Aug 23 00:23:04 PDT 2015


first - the whole topic is new to me. Therefore I've no real idea, what
is really needed.

My disc is full and I want to execute 7.6 in the documentation:

-> Step 3 shuts down the stone
-> my extent is still available and also all my logs
-> Step 4 removes all my extent files (I just make a backup of)
   and one copies the original extent file

-> Actually the stone is still down - and therefore I think that I have
to remove all log files BEFORE I go to step 5. Otherwise the stone can
not be started as describd in step 5) - but with a special option (-r) ?

Well I removed all my logs and continued with step 5 - but left out step 8.


Marten Feldtmann

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