[Glass] Migrating to github

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Aug 26 09:54:58 PDT 2015

On 08/24/2015 06:12 PM, BrunoBB via Glass wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to migrate my packages from SS3 to Github.
How exciting!

Before we  get into the details of doing anything with tODE I am curious 
if you are interested in preserving your entire project (mcz package) 
history in git or is it sufficient to switch your current project state 
to git ...

It _is_ possible to create a git repository from an mcz repository in 
such a way that the mcz history is reflected in the git commit history. 
Several folks have tackled this with good results and if you are 
interested in doing this I can track down the information ... It is 
important to consider this at an early stage ... for me it has been 
sufficient to just do new development in git ...
> As far as i read it i have to create a project entry (Git) to save my
> packages locally and commit all changes to local disk and the push these
> changes into Git. Is this right ?
Yes this is the proper model.
> The following command:
>    project entry --git=projectHome --repo=$GS_HOME /home/persistence-api
> Answer an error:
> Topez ERROR: a TodeCommandError occurred (error 121000), Unknown option: git
This is (obviously) a bug in tODE (and I have just submitted a bug 
report[1]), but also a miscommunication on my part. Improving the man 
page for the `project` family of commands is still on my todo list:)

On the `man project entry` page I mention that there are two types of 

   "There are two basic types of project entry: Git and Metacello"

But I do not further distinguish when you should use one type over the 
other. A "Git" project is intended to refer to a "pure git project" or a 
project that does not have any smalltalk code ... For storing smalltalk 
code (your use case) you want to use a "Metacello" project.

So for loading/managing a project with tODE you will use either `project 
--config` or `project --baseline`, which do work in tODE.

With that said, since you are moving to git from ss3, I recommend that 
you create a baseline. It is straightforward to convert a 
ConfigurationOf to a a BaselineOf, see the section on "Create 
Baseline"[1] in the "Getting Started with GitHub" doc[3] for Metacello.  
Feel free to ask questions ... Paul Debruicker is working on a utility 
for automatically converting a ConfgirationOf to a BaselineOf - so he 
can chime in ...

Unfortunately I don't have a `create new project` or a `convert new 
project` command written, but these are the basic steps (assuming you 
are NOT preserving the entire mcz history in git; assuming that you are 
using a BaselineOf - which you will create) ... (The following commands 
are based on using the latest commit in the dev branch of tODE and 
GsDevKitHome  ... and if you aren't already using the dev branches ping 
for additional instructions):

1. create GitHub project (done: 
2. create a local git repository (using `git init` in an empty directory 
     OrbeonPersistenceLayer). In the dev branch of GsDevKitHome, the 
place to put shared
     git repositories is $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/git (using bash):

     mkdir $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/git/OrbeonPersistenceLayer
     mkdir $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/git/OrbeonPersistenceLayer/repository

3. copy each of the active packages from the SS3 repo to your local git 

     mc copy Orbeon_Persistence_API-BrunoBB-0.039 

     mc copy Orbeon_Persistence-BrunoBB-0.019 

4. create a BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer class:

     cls create BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer BaselineOf 
     cls protocol --add=BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer baseline
     browse class BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer

5. add a baseline: method to BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer that looks 
something like the following (no tODE command - sorry:):

     baseline: spec
         for: #'common'
         do: [
             package: 'Orbeon_Persistence';
             package: 'Orbeon_Persistence_API' with: [ spec requires: 
'Orbeon_Persistence' ];
             group: 'default' with: #('Core');
             group: 'Core' with: #('Orbeon_Persistence_API');
             yourself ].

6. create a BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer package

     mc create BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer

7. associate the filetree repo with the new package:

     mr add 

8. save the baseline to the repo:

     mc commit BaselineOfOrbeonPersistenceLayer `initial baseline and 

9. Create the project entry:

     project entry --baseline=OrbeonPersistenceLayer 

10. Load the project (testing your baseline):

     project load OrbeonPersistenceLayer

11. Write the new baseline to the filetree repository and do a git commit:

     project commit --git --message=`initial commit for project packages 
and baseline` OrbeonPersistenceLayer
     project list

12. Hook up your local git repo to your github repo something like the 
following (follow github instructions to get it exactly right):

     git remote add origin 
git at github.com:brunobuzzi/OrbeonPersistenceLayer.git
     git push origin master

... and I think that's it... Let me know how things work for you. I've 
create a gist on github[4] with all of the tode comands extracted out 
(source code is in middle) for easy copy/paste.


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/issues/188
[4] https://gist.github.com/dalehenrich/001ab961bd599b3efac1

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