[Glass] Grrrr cannot migrate (class rename with subclasses and with a name of a deleted class)

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Aug 28 12:50:50 PDT 2015

This looks like a GemStone bug (at first blush), since the error is 
originating in

[13] Repository >> _doListInstancesFrom:with:includeMemory: (envId 0)

so if you could extract some detail from that frame about where the 
source of the nil, we might be able to work our way back to the root 
cause ...


On 8/28/15 7:58 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
> [13] Repository >> _doListInstancesFrom:with:includeMemory: (envId 0)

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