[Glass] Grrrr cannot migrate (class rename with subclasses and with a name of a deleted class)

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Aug 31 12:14:09 PDT 2015

On 8/31/15 11:49 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Dale Henrichs 
> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>     Mariano,
>     Here's a better patch (from engineering) ... there are bugs in the
>     handling of temps and blocks (in 3.1.x) that appears to be the
>     culprit (the code i.v. value was not correctly picked up ... do
>     the calculation in the context of the block ... this is the
>     preferred patch because the nil return value dod not imply an
>     empty result set as my patch implied ... this one should give you
>     correct results ... let me know if there are further problems):
> Thanks Dale and the rest of the engineers for the effort. I will test 
> it soon (I must restore from backup first and do a few things in order 
> to reproduce it again). In the meanwhile let me ask:
> 1) was this "temps and blocks" bugs solved in 3.2 or 3.3?
I don't know the exact details ... the engineer I talked to was pretty 
confident that this bug wasn't present in 3.2.x or 3.3.x.
> 2) Is there anything I should take care of for when I am using temps 
> and closures? I mean, were you able to fin the exact issue so that I 
> can know and not have those problems in my own code? I do remember the 
> known problem of seaside callbacks and temps and the usage of 
> ValueHolder, but I don't know if this is related or not.
Since you are using, your best course of action might be to read 
through the release notes for each of the 3.2.x releases[1] and see if 
block/temp bugs were fixed or mentioned and then cross reference with 
bugnotes[2] using the site-search[3].

IIRC the particular bug in this case had to do with assigning the temp 
that was only referenced in a block created before the temp assignment 
was made - moving the temp assignment before the block was created could 
be a workaround (I don't recall any additional details) ...


[1] https://gemtalksystems.com/products/gs64/versions32x/
[2] https://gemtalksystems.com/techsupport/bugnotes/
[3] https://cse.google.com/cse/home?cx=014580976650604809618:1cdoq5jo3te
> Thanks in advance,
>     listInstances: anArray limit: aSmallInt toDirectory:
>     directoryString withMaxThreads: maxThreads maxCpuUsage:
>     aPercentage memoryOnly: memOnlyBool
>       "If directoryString == nil, result includes in-memory objects.
>      If memBool == true, result contains only the in-memory objects,
>       and maxThreads and aPercentage  are ignored."
>       | inputSet resultInSetOrder result scanBlk |
>       memOnlyBool
>         ifFalse: [
>           System needsCommit
>             ifTrue: [ self _error: #'rtErrAbortWouldLoseData' ] ].
>       inputSet := self _arrayOfClassesAsSet: anArray.
>       inputSet size < 1
>         ifTrue: [ ^ {} ].
>       memOnlyBool
>         ifFalse: [
>           scanBlk := [ :scanSetThisTime |
>           self
>             _scanPomWithMaxThreads: maxThreads
>             waitForLock: 60
>             pageBufSize: 8
>             percentCpuActiveLimit: aPercentage
>     https://gemtalksystems.com/techsupport/bugnotes/        identSet:
>     scanSetThisTime
>             limit: aSmallInt
>             scanKind: (directoryString ifNotNil:[ 2 ] ifNil:[ 0 ])
>             toDirectory: directoryString ] ].
>       inputSet := IdentitySet withAll: anArray.
>       resultInSetOrder := self
>         _doListInstancesFrom: inputSet
>         with: scanBlk
>         includeMemory: directoryString == nil.
>       directoryString
>         ifNotNil: [ result := resultInSetOrder "primitive wrote the
>     files, so we are done" ]
>         ifNil: [
>           | inputArraySize |
>           inputArraySize := anArray size.
>           result := Array new: inputArraySize * 2.
>           1 to: inputArraySize do: [ :j |
>             | soIdx resIdx anObj |
>             anObj := anArray at: j.
>             soIdx := (inputSet _offsetOf: anObj) * 2.
>             resIdx := j * 2.
>             result at: resIdx - 1 put: (resultInSetOrder at: soIdx -
>     1).    "totalCount"
>             result at: resIdx put: (resultInSetOrder at: soIdx)   
>     "array of instances" ] ].
>       ^ result
>     On 08/28/2015 03:09 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>     Here's an untested patch for
>>     Repository>>listInstances:limit:toDirectory:withMaxThreads:maxCpuUsage:memoryOnly:
>>     that you can try (Probably have to use topaz logged in as
>>     SystemUser to install this patch) based on <>:
>>     listInstances: anArray limit: aSmallInt toDirectory:
>>     directoryString withMaxThreads: maxThreads maxCpuUsage:
>>     aPercentage memoryOnly: memOnlyBool
>>       "If directoryString == nil, result includes in-memory objects.
>>      If memBool == true, result contains only the in-memory objects,
>>       and maxThreads and aPercentage  are ignored."
>>       | inputSet resultInSetOrder result code scanBlk |
>>       memOnlyBool
>>         ifFalse: [
>>           System needsCommit
>>             ifTrue: [ self _error: #'rtErrAbortWouldLoseData' ] ].
>>       inputSet := self _arrayOfClassesAsSet: anArray.
>>       inputSet size < 1
>>         ifTrue: [ ^ {} ].
>>       memOnlyBool
>>         ifFalse: [
>>           scanBlk := [ :scanSetThisTime |
>>           (self
>>             _scanPomWithMaxThreads: maxThreads
>>             waitForLock: 60
>>             pageBufSize: 8
>>             percentCpuActiveLimit: aPercentage
>>             identSet: scanSetThisTime
>>             limit: aSmallInt
>>             scanKind: code
>>             toDirectory: directoryString) ifNil: [ #() ] ] ].
>>       code := directoryString ifNotNil: [ 2 ] ifNil: [ 0 ].
>>       inputSet := IdentitySet withAll: anArray.
>>       resultInSetOrder := self
>>         _doListInstancesFrom: inputSet
>>         with: scanBlk
>>         includeMemory: directoryString == nil.
>>       directoryString
>>         ifNotNil: [ result := resultInSetOrder "primitive wrote the
>>     files, so we are done" ]
>>         ifNil: [
>>           | inputArraySize |
>>           inputArraySize := anArray size.
>>           result := Array new: inputArraySize * 2.
>>           1 to: inputArraySize do: [ :j |
>>             | soIdx resIdx anObj |
>>             anObj := anArray at: j.
>>             soIdx := (inputSet _offsetOf: anObj) * 2.
>>             resIdx := j * 2.
>>             result at: resIdx - 1 put: (resultInSetOrder at: soIdx -
>>     1).    "totalCount"
>>             result at: resIdx put: (resultInSetOrder at: soIdx)   
>>     "array of instances" ] ].
>>       ^ result
>>     On 8/28/15 3:04 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>     Mariano,
>>>     Does the following return nil consistently when run in your image:
>>>     System abortTransaction.
>>>     SystemRepository
>>>         listInstances: {FaSecurityAdjustedClosingPriceRecord}
>>>         limit: 0
>>>         toDirectory: nil
>>>         withMaxThreads: 1
>>>         maxCpuUsage: 95
>>>         memoryOnly: false
>>>     I think this is the equivalent call that is causing a nil return
>>>     value. I've looked at the code and there is no obvious code path
>>>     for returning nill instead of an Array .... I've submitted an
>>>     internal bug.
>>>     Dale
>>>     On 8/28/15 1:20 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>>     Nonetheless, this looks like a bug in GemStone and now I need
>>>>     to understand why so I can provide a test case to the server
>>>>     guys ... I don't think that 2 metaclasses and 2 classes is a
>>>>     good reason for nil, since GemStone is supposed to survive this
>>>>     kind of situation ... likely it is something else ... this is a
>>>>     multi-thread operation and it is possible that something
>>>>     related to that is the root cause could you check in the stone
>>>>     log and the gem log to see if any error information is written
>>>>     there ...
>>>>     Thanks for pushing on this like you did ... I was an email
>>>>     behind and you were way ahead of me ... but ... I have an
>>>>     "expectation" that certain class loading scenarios could result
>>>>     in an error, but this kind of error is not part of my
>>>>     expectation and the monticello loading scheme does hide these
>>>>     kinds of problems ....
>>>>     Need to make the error more visible at the very least ... and
>>>>     fix the GemStone bug ... it's possible that the bug is already
>>>>     fixed and it is not likely that we will ship a with a
>>>>     bugfix -
>>>>     Let's get a simplified test case and move forward from there ...
>>>>     Is it possible that you're in a limited memory situation in
>>>>     your development environment?
>>>>     Dale
>>>>     On 8/28/15 1:04 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>>>>     On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck
>>>>>     <marianopeck at gmail.com <mailto:marianopeck at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>         On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 4:56 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass
>>>>>         <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>>         <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>>>             Definitely a GemStone bug, since
>>>>>             Repository>>_scanPomWithMaxThreads:waitForLock:pageBufSize:percentCpuActiveLimit:identSet:limit:scanKind:toDirectory:
>>>>>             is a primitive call and is not documented to return
>>>>>             nil ... unless I misread the stack and calls?
>>>>>         No, I got exactly until that point too. I read the comment
>>>>>         of the method, it said anywhere why it would answer nil,
>>>>>         so I kind of give up.
>>>>>     BTW..I will try to see if I can get there again. But I suspect
>>>>>     this is related to the fact that I end up having 2 metaclasses
>>>>>     and 2 classes (as I show some emails up) for the same "class"
>>>>>     after loading.
>>>>>             Dale
>>>>>             On 8/28/15 12:50 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>>>                 This looks like a GemStone bug (at first blush),
>>>>>                 since the error is originating in
>>>>>                 [13] Repository >>
>>>>>                 _doListInstancesFrom:with:includeMemory: (envId 0)
>>>>>                 so if you could extract some detail from that
>>>>>                 frame about where the source of the nil, we might
>>>>>                 be able to work our way back to the root cause ...
>>>>>                 Dale
>>>>>                 On 8/28/15 7:58 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck via
>>>>>                 Glass wrote:
>>>>>                     [13] Repository >>
>>>>>                     _doListInstancesFrom:with:includeMemory: (envId 0)
>>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>>             Glass mailing list
>>>>>             Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>>             <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
>>>>>             http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>>>>>         -- 
>>>>>         Mariano
>>>>>         http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>>>>     -- 
>>>>>     Mariano
>>>>>     http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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