[Glass] Cannot #reclaimAll ... fails with a SecurityError

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Jul 2 13:22:09 PDT 2015


I am trying to do a reclaimAll in my local gemstone (running in OSX). I am
running the following code:

System beginTransaction.
SystemRepository reclaimAll.

And the user I am using to run that code (the one that holds and runs my
app) is created with this privileges:

(AllUsers userWithId: 'userXXX')
addPrivilege: #'CodeModification';
     addPrivilege: #'UserPassword';
     addPrivilege: #'OtherPassword';
     addPrivilege: #'*GarbageCollection*';
     addPrivilege: #'*SystemControl*';
     addPrivilege: #'SessionAccess';
     addPrivilege: #'FileControl';
     addPrivilege: #'SessionPriority';
     addGroup: 'DataCuratorGroup'.

As you can see, it does have *GarbageCollection and **SystemControl *added.

The error I am getting is in #reclaimAll in the line:

*newMinPages := 1 .*
*saveMinPages := self _setGcConfigAt: #reclaimMinPages put: newMinPages .*

And this is the exact error:

a SecurityError occurred (error 2116), An attempt was made to modify the
object #'reclaimMinPages'->40 in objectSecurityPolicyId 7 with insufficient

I know I may solve this by logging in in as GsUser, but I want to run
#reclaimAll with MY user.


Thanks in advance,

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