[Glass] Cannot make full backup restore to work

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jul 6 17:31:09 PDT 2015


There should be more information about the commitRestore error in the 
stone log .... Here are a few more comments from engineering:

   Does tranlog 315 agree with the last tranlog stone was writing to ?

   Recommend that all tranlogs be copied to an archive directory
   and then deleted from the directory stone is writing to before
   reattempting the restore.   Then you would restoreFromArchive...
   instead of restoreFromCurrent...   for  restoring the tranlogs.

   And tell him to use output push,  so we see both his input and his output
   in a single file.


On 07/06/2015 12:22 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am following the sysadmin guide, but still, cannot make it work. It 
> seems my main issue is that I have changed the password of DataCurator 
> in my extent.... but I am not sure.
> I have already did the cp of the virgin extent, I have already started 
> gemstone with -R etc. So then I run a topaz with:
> /set user DataCurator pass swordfish/
> /login/
> /run/
> /SystemRepository restoreFromBackup: '$2'/
> /%/
> /exit/
> After that, I open another topaz with:
> /send SystemRepository restoreStatus/
> /printit/
> /SystemRepository restoreFromCurrentLogs/
> /%/
> /login/
> /printit/
> /SystemRepository commitRestore/
> /%/
> /logout/
> /exit/
> The output I get is:
> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> Warning: 
> clearing the previous GemStone password.
> topaz> topaz> successful login
> topaz 1> topaz 1> *The restore from backup completed, with 6906628 
> objects restored.*
> * Ready for restore from transaction log(s). (error 4046)*
> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> topaz> 
> successful login
> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 
> 1> [281474976692481 sz:125 cls: 74753 String]*Restoring from 
> transaction log files, restored to 06/07/15 04:23:05 EDT, file 315 
> record 4, nextFileId 315, oldest fileId 315*
> *topaz 1> topaz 1> Restore from transaction log(s) succeeded,  (error 
> 4048)*
> topaz> topaz> topazm: in login, found topaz session 1 stale
> successful login
> topaz 1> topaz 1> -----------------------------------------------------
> *GemStone: Error         Fatal*
> *Restore from transaction log failed, Unable to re-originate log in*
> *commitRestore,*
> Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4049  Arg Count: 1 Context : 
> 20 exception : 20
> Arg 1: 20
> topaz > exec iferr 1 : where
> WHERE can't be used prior to logging in.
> topaz> topaz> LOGOUT can't be used prior to logging in.
> topaz > exec iferr 1 : where
> WHERE can't be used prior to logging in.
> As you can see, I get a
> *GemStone: Error         Fatal*
> *Restore from transaction log failed, Unable to re-originate log in*
> *commitRestore,*
> *
> *
> And so I cannot make any login to it. So... how I am supposed to do 
> this? I am trying to follow the sysadmin guide. I do not understand 
> the error message.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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