[Glass] openssl packaged with GS/64

Paul DeBruicker via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Jul 8 12:11:05 PDT 2015

Hi - 

I noticed that 3.2.7 is shipping with an updated openssl (1.0.2b) and that openssl is prepping to release a new version Thursday  (https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2015-July/000037.html) which patches a serious vulnerability.  

It is my understanding that because of how the GemStone install scripts set the PATH the version of openssl that ships with GS becomes the de facto version of openssl in use on the system its installed on.  Unless you manually delete the version of openssl that ships with GS.  Is that correct?

If that is correct, is there a better way to do this so that users of GS don't have to delete the version of openssl you ship with the product?

How do others handle this?



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